Okay, this book was intriguing. It's the story of Jeannette Walls' grandmother, who is a true character. She's hard working, determined, just remarkable. Her life was never easy, but she didn't shrink from any of her challenging situations. She as always giving advise to her children, most of which her daughter never followed.
Lots of years ago, I read the book The Glass Castle, which is a tragic story of Jeannette Wells' mother and father and their nomadic, mixed-up life. So, it was interesting to read the story of Jeannette's grandmother, who is so different from the daughter's life.
The story takes place in Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, and is about the hard scrabble life of people in the desert in the West in the 30's, 40's and 50's. It's a story of hard work, survival, battling the elements, and it's based on actual events and real people.
I give it 4 stars. I liked it. And, it's a much easier read than The Glass Castle. In terms of their lives and their priorities.