
Such Good Neighbors....

...for sure.

This was an unusual day.

Flowers From Jim and Gigi Kern for helping with their family history.

Cookies from Mike and Loretta Allam just because they are good friends/neighbors.

Home-made sugar cookies from the Relief Society President for helping with the funeral on Saturday....stayed to serve, clean up and took home the table cloths to launder.  Actually nothing than others would not have done, as well.  Jenni Miller is just such a thoughtful, caring RS President.

It made me feel grateful to live in such a great neighborhood.

And, hopefully will serve as a reminder to help others MORE.


What a Wonderful World!

Butchart Gardens in Victoria Canada; not a weed in sight.  Just loveliness all around.

Oh, Heavenly Father, you created such amazing beautiful things for us to enjoy.  And, with the creativity and hard work of people, those beautiful things spread such joy.


And, Here's MORE Family NEWS!

Isn't she just beautiful?  She's a good one, this young lady1  Eats right and exercises right.  I need her around more!

Isn't she just adorable?  And, I've never even seen her?  TEARS here.
 But, once again, why do they live so far away?  TEXAS and VIRGINIA!

 It's okay that this young Elder lives away; he has a good excuse., as in call from the Lord for a mission.  But, ironically, he only lives four hours away in the Salt Lake Mission.  HA HA HA HA
Isn't this just exciting?

New Member with Elder Hackworth and his comp.  Oh, the happy faces!

They Don't....

...come often.

Or stay long,

But, man, I love it when they are here, even for a short  time.

I love FAMILY!

Oscar, age 17 - mighty Senior in two weeks!

Sayre - an 8th grader...Mr. Personality.

Dad with two of three sons; older one serving a mission.  Just baptized a lady on Saturday.  Was so excited!

Proud Grandma right there!

Why do they live so far away?

Jast a quick snapshot; no real time to relax!


To Be a JUDGE...

is something I would not want to be.

But, man, I surely do it a lot.

She is complaining about her health.....(I step in- in my mind, not verbally - and judge about her unhealthy eating habits.)

He complains about his alcoholic son....(I step in and judge him about how he was not a very good example of that himself.)

She says her grandkids are unappreciative and ungrateful...(I step in - my my mind again - and think she has not been grateful for what her husband has done for her.)

YIKES, there am I...being the JUDGE....and yet, I DO NOT WANT TO BE LIKE THAT AT ALL.

I want to think open mindedly and without bias or prejudice AND  MOST OF ALL, EMPATHETICALLY; LIKE I WANT THEM TO BE WITH ME.

So, I must just try harder.  When I find myself judging, I need to THINK DIFFERENTLY.

I need to focus on what they are really saying, recognizing that those are real challenges for my dear friends; my problems might be different than their problems, but I have plenty of my own.


Life has so many lessons, but man oh man, it surely takes me a long time to learn them!


TIME Marches On!

This was taken before they left on their missions.

Landon started dental school in Portland, Oregon today.  Good luck!

Bridger snapped this selfie yesterday on Pday.  He just got a haircut, he said.
Here's adorable Anna on a picture taken on face time.
She's so cute with her little freckles sprinkled over her nose and cheeks.
Look at Lovely Lucy with her pink hair and her brand new nose rings.
Not only does time march on, but kids march to the beat of the current fashions.  HA HA.
Lilly is now a college graduate out making her own life, Will goes to college just makes people happy when he's around.
Kristi and Bobby just work hard and play hard.  Lovely family!

Daddy Sean with Evan and Olivia Jane.

So much family to love, and oh, how I do!


I Just Love it When I GET....

pictures of my two great grandchildren.

Here's the latest one I received:

Olivia Jane; isn't she so cute.  She had to have a lip clip from the top of her gums
which helped her eat better and be a lot happier.  Everyone loves a happy baby!

I've never even seen her.  SAD Great grandmother...no one likes a sad great grandmother!

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...