

 Anger boils inside me.  It's raging.

Just like COVID is raging.

And, people will simply NOT GET THEIR VACCINES!

We got a BIG NEW TV.  I was so excited to have a television where we could watch FOX NEWS.  

BUT, and here comes the anger part - they were downplaying the CDC and its recommendations, and saying, "WHERE IS THE SCIENCE?  WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?"  

I was so angry that I could not sit there and listen to this crap!

No wonder all these whackos won't get vaccinated?  They are watching Fox News and getting bad information?

What if the internet had been around when the Polio vaccine came out?  Would they have refused to get a polio vaccine and we would have had mega many people with Polio.  

Well, just ask the HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of people who are so ill they can't breathe, ask the relatives of the people who have died, ask the doctors and nurses, who are so burned out, ask the woman dying alone?  

What more evidence do you need?

MISINFORMATION is deadly.  Spreading MISINFORMATION ought be be a criminal offense.

TRAGIC beyond belief!  Because many of those deaths did NOT NEED TO HAPPEN! 




 A 3rd GREAT grand baby.

Welcome to the world Baby girl:

Scottie Pacific Fisher

Born July 14, weighing in at 7 pounds, and doing fine, even tho she was about three weeks early.

Everyone seems to be doing fine.  

Thank you, Heavenly Father.


AND, He's Off for an Adventure!


Eli's friend moved to Hawaii.  The friend invited Eli and a couple of other friends to come visit for a week before the family loves back to Provo in August.

Eli was only too happy to oblige.  And, since he has a job, he was able to pay for the ticket himself.  

This is the departing picture.  What an adventure for those young men/boys.  Here's to growing up and exploring on one's own.


Good Times, Good Friends


Loretta's Happy Birthday Party; she was having a great time, as you can tell!  Such wonderful people in this group.  Friends are just THE BEST!  And, no I didn't have any pie!

The monthly meeting of the Gal Pals...good fun, good friends, and laughs...

The theme this month was A Taste of Tokyo.  Once again, Sheryl fancied up everything with such amazing decor and table settings.  She's so creative and fun.  I'm grateful to get to be a part of this group.


When the Family Gets Together....

 Especially after 21 years of ALL of us being together....

Some of us have been together several times since the death of Allen's mother, but at least one of the spouses or siblings was missing, so this was a rare and wonderful treat to have all the siblings and spouses be present.  Lots of laughter and plenty of good food.

If you go to Donna and Bill's home, there are sure to be plenty of games to play at then end of the day!

And, once again I say, THERE IS NOTHING LIKE FAMILY!  I'm grateful for all these wonderful family members.  Such a blessing to have good in-laws.

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...