

 Welcome to the world, Felix James Fisher!

Son of Sean and Lisa Fisher....brother to Olivia and Evan.

He weighed in at 7 lbs 9 oz. at 9 P.M. march 28.  

Looks like he might be a red head compared to his siblings black hair.  Whatever his hair color, he is blessed to the son of Sean and Lisa.  They are such great parents.


Latest Happenings!

 Always something happening at our home...

Rexburg Ladies' luncheon - a once a year event - when there isn't Covid....and it was so fun to see these wonderful ladies and friends from Rexburg, Idaho.
Allen FINALLY got a new lawn mower, which he deserves and certainly needed.  The old one was used for many years - dating back to our days in Idaho....this new one take NO GAS....hooray as the price of gas is horrendous!

Chris and Kathy Godfrey stopped by to say hello.  Now that was just the best!  What dear friends they and their families are.  It made me emotional to think the a friend of Justin's would stop by.  Oh, our kids had such a great childhood in our little burg.  Great neighbors and great friends.  Best blessings ever!  

In my young adult life raising kids, Chris Godfrey's mother was my exemplar, my hero.  I wanted to be like her.


Saturday is a Special DAY!

Time to get a new shed.

Time to do something about a tree stump that is in the way of the concrete to be poured next week.

Time for Allen to get out the man-tools and go to work; and work it was!

That tree stump was a mighty difficult thing to get down to where it will be possible to pour concrete.  Good work, RAH!

And, after a very long time - SUCCESS!

When a job needs to be done, there's RAH to figure out a way to do it!




Wednesday night...knock on the door.  

Sound of voices.....open the door.  

Oh, those sweethearts in our ward.  How I love the young men and young women programs.

How sad I am that mm own grandchildren are not a part of it.

But, I'm so grateful for the fine people in my neighborhood and their leaders who bring JOY to an old lady's heart.


When the Family Gets Together


What a blessing to get to spend time with these two beautiful ladies.  Both so positive, optimistic, kind, inspiring, and every other  word that is positive.

It's just a JOY to be around them.

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...