
MEDIUM is OUT: Large is In.....

 Today featured a sad, depressing event.  

I had to clean out all my tee shirts that are size medium.

I've been trying quite hard to lose weight; no success at all.

So, today, I took action on the tee shirt drawer.  It made me sad to see some of my long-time favorites be put in the DI bag: I LOVE Dubai, I LOVE Paris, I Walk, BYU teachers program shirt,  Pink San Antonio tee, light green Yellowstone tee, and others.  

WHEN and HOW did I let this HAPPEN?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!


The Near Passerines - June 24, 2023

 Kristi and Jordan are in a band called the Near Passerines.(don't ask me why; it has something to do with birds....whatever.)  They play a few gigs here and there.  Bobby is the sound engineer.  Here's the one they did in June.  Wish we could be there!



 Two weddings,

about 4 graduations,

and a general hello.

All these had money inside.  Within the last month....

ONE person responded thanking us for the card; didn't say anything about the money, but thanked us for the card.

Now, I don't send cards with the intent of receiving a thank you note, but it does sort of irritate me.

On the other hand, however, it is such a good reminder to me that I haven't always been grateful to Heavenly Father for his MANY blessings to me.  

It's a reminder that I need to be grateful EVERY DAY for the blessings God continues to bless me with.

BSEing grateful is a marvelous attribute to have, and I want to cultivate it even more.


Credit card hacked AGAIN!

 Thankfully, the Chase credit card company caught it.  But, it's frustrating because then we have to get a new card.....input all those numbers for whatever we use the credit card for.

Thankfully, we will not be charged for the services we didn't use.  So, that is good.

Let's see how long this card will last!


Dr. Fisher's First Patient Outside of School

 "Landon," she said, "Will you look at my tooth?"

So, of course, he did.  And, then he told her what to do about it.

AHHHHHH. Thanks, Dr. Fisher....

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...