Happiness Stuff!
Oscar Hackworth singing with Calvin Hillman - just like their dads used to do!
This picture is hilarious because it shows the modern-day mom...cleaning and carrying around her phone. You go, Bri...get that house cleaned and talk ro your friends while you are at it!
Letter to Jenni - January 19, 2024
Long letter ahead:
About in October, Polly and Mike Housley came to our home to ask us if we would take an assignment to help with the temple open house. (The stake president lives in our ward and I think he recommended us to them because they don't know us at all. The Stake President was also our bishop when we moved here, so he has known us personally for a long time. That's the only way we would have been contacted is because he knew us.)
We were asked to be in charge of ushering in our stake. Which we said yes. Okay, so nothing much happened before Christmas. We went to a couple of meetings for the St George open house to see what they were doing.
Polly said, “After the holidays, we'll really hit it.” So, right now in my inbox, I have 31 (oops - 32, I just got another one) emails in regards to the open house, quite a few printed copies of information around the house (Allen has even more), and a few texts.
On Sunday, Jan 14, our stake members could sign up to help. I was so disappointed at the end of the first day, but the numbers are picking up a little. There are still quite a few miscellaneous slots to fill up – like cleaning the restrooms, NO ONE has signed up for that task..
Sunday night is a big meeting where all the volunteer ushers are supposed to come. Allen is in charge and conducting.
I'm giving you much more information than you ever wanted to know...
But, what I wanted to tell you about this whole experience is about your father. He grabbed on to this with both hands and has not let go. He has done 99% of the work, and I have done 1%, if that.
You cannot believe the amount of work he has put into this assignment. He spends HOURS, Days, on the computer. He has figured out spreadsheets to contact the people who are helping. He has contacted relief society presidents to ask for their help in getting people to sign up (each ward has a ward representative to help get the word out, but some of them have not really followed through, so he said to me one day, “I'll talk to the Relief Society presidents; they get things done! He is in love with 11 Relief Society presidents and is always bragging about them to me! HA HA)
Jenni, he has been amazing in every way. I'm so thankful that he took this bull by the horns because I've been frustrated and sort of stagnating in what to do. It has been inspiring and amazing to watch him do this. It's really quite incredible.
I'm thankful he has had this opportunity. It has been fulfilling and so good for him.
And, that's what's happening over here....
Lots of love...
My Personal Challenge for the Book of Mormon
There is a power and a promise in the Book fo Mormon. I am relying on the promise this year as I read and STUDY that book.
The thing is that I get very angry very quickly. I scare myself at how angry I can get over stupid things and so quickly.
So, I am putting the promise of reading the Book of Mormon to the test this year. I want to have the POWER that is promised us. The POWER I want is to totally be in control and to control my temper over minor things.
That is what I am praying for and fasting for and reading the Book of Mormon for.
Let the New Year Begin!
A Special Stake Conference Today
...and, it was so good. So inspiring. And, why can't I ever remember what people said.
But, our wise stake president said some very inspiring things...like his theme was one-liners...he gave so many examples of one-liners in the scriptures;
"I will go: I will do."
"I am the way."
"Love is spoken here."
Actually he gave many examples, but then at the end, he said, "I am unshakable." It is his resolve know that Joseph Smith was a prophet and not be swayed by anything. Because he knows the Book of Mormon is true!
I loved that talk, and I love that man! Here's a picture of his marvelous family!
Okay, so let's start the year right, by realizing that my life is filled with so many blessings.
My word of the year is GRATITUDE. I want to be more grateful and more fully realize what great blessings I have.
The year started off by going to Kaey and Shauna's family reunion. Here the grandkids are putting on a little play. It was so fun. It was thrilling to be a part of this good family's gathering. And, I felt very grateful.
A Different Kind of Joy Today....
Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym. It really thrilled me. I was so happy some Christian person i...