
A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person is spreading the message of Easter and the Saviour.  

Jesus on the Red Sea.  HAHAHHAHAHA.  




This picture causes me GREAT JOY! 

Two sons; six grandsons, three girlfriends and one beloved wife!  Jeremy and Sayre are going skiing for a couple of days in Northern Utah, so they are staying with Justin and Amy, who invited all these people for dinner!

According to Amy, a great time was had by ALL!  Including dinner, a whiffle ball game and a game of TABU!

Thanks, AMY, for making this happen!  I LOVE this event.

Here's another significant event from a few years ago;  Mother's Day at Janessa's in 2022.


Half Broke Horses


Okay, this book was intriguing.  It's the story of Jeannette Walls' grandmother, who is a true character.  She's hard working, determined, just remarkable.  Her life was never easy, but she didn't shrink from any of her challenging situations.  She as always giving advise to her children, most of which her daughter never followed.  

Lots of years ago, I read the book The Glass Castle, which is a tragic story of Jeannette Wells' mother and father and their nomadic, mixed-up life.  So, it was interesting to read the story of Jeannette's grandmother, who is so different from the daughter's life. 

The story takes place in Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, and is about the hard scrabble life of people in the desert in the West in the 30's, 40's and 50's.  It's a story of hard work, survival, battling the elements, and it's based on actual events and real people.  

I give it 4 stars.  I liked it.  And, it's a much easier read than The Glass Castle.  In terms of their lives and their priorities.  


The Art Forger


Margo recommended this book.  

It was interesting and I got a lot of insight into the art world.  BUT, in a few places, it was a little crude, which I didn't like....not a lot, but somewhat, crude that is.  Also, I couldn't always follow what was happening.  

Having said that, however, the book is about WHY people do things.  What motivates them?  Is it greed, ego, principles?  This is the story of a woman whose job is to replicate famous works of art.  When she is asked to reproduce a work of art stolen from a famous art museum in Boston, she agrees.  Even though she had previously been involved in a forgery scandal.  

Her boyfriend promised her that what she was doing was a GOOD THING.  After the reproduction was completed, he said, he would return the stolen art work to the museum.  So, Clare agreed to paint the treasured painting.  The author did her research into HOW modern paintings are made to look old, which went completely over my head, but to interested people, it would be helpful.  

When her boyfriend is arrested and while in jail,  he admitted that he had no intention of returning the stolen painting; selfishly he wanted to keep it for himself.

It's longer than I like, so that was also a down side.  The author is a doctor of human behavior and so those are the principles she explores in this book.

I give it 3 stars.  Not my favorite - not my worst.



 So many great ladies; so many GOOD, GOOD people.

My heart was full as I sat in the room with these marvelous women from Rexburg.  Oh, they are so good; they have lived lives rich with service, devotion to God and families.  It was a marvelous experience.

Bottom row: Jeanine Marcum, Barbara Gleave, Jean Brown (age 99 and just as sharp as ever!), Colleen Archibald, Ilene Olson, Marjorie Bennion, Sheri Schwab

Back Row: Caroline Downey, Jackie Terry, Barbara Mann, Nancy Richards, Loni, Tammy (?) Deanna wade ? ?? and Marie Parkinson.

I was so happy to be a part of this short event.  We have all gotten old, but at one time, they were young vibrant, rising marvelous children, doing such great things in Rexburg, Idaho.  What a blessing to have been part of that all those years ago.


Let's Hear it for the Grandkids

Surprise Birthday party for Bridger thrown by Monica, his girlfriend. 

Monica and Bridger March 2025

Miles after the preview of his movie where he composed the music.  

Love seeing them happy and achieving things that matter to them.  



 This book just made me madder and more mad!  In fact, it makes me so mad that I am not going to finish it.  

It is exactly what the cover says; true stories of wrongful convictions.  The last one I read was about three innocent men who have been in jail for 25 YEARS for a murder they did not commit!  

The book tells over and over about over eager sheriffs, police officers, etc. who are eager to make a conviction and arrest.  With no evidence they frame totally innocent people.  It is so SAD!  

So, I'm done; it's the same old sad story told over and over; mostly racist, but ALWAYS the innocent suffer.  I'm done.  


A Sabbath Day

 1.  Heading to Sunday School, Linzi Hansen said, "Loni, do you know what my daughter JUST NOW told me; I want to be like Loni when I grow up and have a pink streak in my hair!"  Made me laugh!

2.  As I sat down in front of Brandon Comstock, he said, "You have made a difference in the lives of my daughters (Brooklyn and McKenzie)!'  Your name comes up frequently in our home.  They are always talking and Loni this and Loni that.  My wife (Carli) really wanted you in that calling!"

3. Came home to a post on Instagram belittling Christian families and the beliefs of women being in the home.  It had been posted by a family member.  Really broke my heart and made me feel very sad in my heart and soul.  Right now, CHRISTIAnS and particularly Mormons are being attacked on every corner.  It's so hard to see that.

4.  Went to dinner at Stockton and Morgan's.  Had a wonderful meal - Cafe Rio pork burritos....only they were better than Cafe Rio's.  After dinner, there was a baby reveal which revealed that Halsey and Landon are having baby girl #3.  It was delightful to watch the 4 little grandkids interact and play.  JOYFUL sights and sounds.  Morgan then gave us a loaf of her delicious home-made sour dough; so MIGHTY FINE!

5.  Came home to find this note by my door;  (I had talked in Young Women last week - about being KIND to people and the long term effects it can have on others.)

So, here's the deal; sometimes, life just throws you a sad heart bomb, and you just have to try to focus on the positives when they come along.

It was an interesting Sunday.


LIFE - With Its Drama and Joy and Just Daily Stuff


It would be hard to describe the PROBLEMS Jenni and Brent have encountered as they have remodeled their kitchen, living areas.  SO MANY SETBACKS, DELAYS, WRoNG ORDERS ARRIVING, COUNTERTOPS BROKEN in delivery, etc.  They started in July and had hoped to be done in DECEMBER.  It's MARCH, and it's still going on.

Valentine Letter from Allen.  


Somewhat better, I should say, but how long will it stay?  And, we hardly have any real food.  If we need to eat our food storage, we are going to be in a pickle.  
Actually, that reminds me, I need to buy some more pickles.  


DEE and Me


He's 99; I'm almost - in six weeks - 81; he goes everyday, six days a week; I go -lots of day - some days - maybe I'll go today, type of thing.  

He eats oatmeal or cracked wheat for breakfast; I eat a protein smoothie with spinach ground up in it, he is Virginia, Idaho, I'm from Pocatello Idaho, he was married to a Japanese lady from Hawaii, I married an Idaho boy.  

He has heart problems and neuropathy, I have stomach issues and very wrinkled skin (as you can see in this picture).  He inspires me as he works very hard while at the gym.  I go to talk.   And, that is Dee and me.


It Was An Ugly Couch Anyway

 Okay, time for a break and for FUN and Laughter and HONESTY about life.  

I throughly enjoyed this book.  It's a series of essays, but it has a chronological thread to it.  Which is the couple and their three children want a new larger apartment in their building.  What struggles, what challenges, etc.  

AND, what delight.  Highly recommend it to anyone, but I don't know anyone to recommend it to.  I got the idea from My cousin, Margo Heaps.  Thanks, margo!


Oh, Those Thoughtful Comstock Kids


When I asked WHY they brought these delicious SWEET TREATS;,

"Because your lesson was so GOOD!"  That made me laugh; it was such a happy thing to happen.


It Must Be Valentine's Day!


Jaxon and Bri celebrate the happy day with love and kisses.  These are the only Valentine Day pictures I have or saw.  So, I'm very grateful for these.


Esperanza Rising


A really great Young Adult book about a girl coming to America to find a better life.  

When her wealthy landowner father dies and his home is burned, Esperanza and her mother go to America to escape the wicked step brothers of Esperanza's father.  She has been pampered and lived with many servants, but now she finds herself working in the fruit/vegetables fields of California.  Additionally, she is tasked with tending babies, changing dirty diapers, and doing cleaning, cooking which she has never had to do before.  

The reader sees Esperanza grow and develop in this sweet book of the trials that the Mexican laborers face in working in California.  

I give it four and half stars.

My Goodness; A Long Time Ago!


I was looking at Ancestry.com, and this came up.  Boy, did it make me laugh.  We all wore the same clothes, and we all had our hair exactly the same; short and shorter.  At least the guys could wear teh suit and tie they wanted.    Do you notice that no guys are wearing earrings. there are no nose rings, no piercings on the faces.  IT's all so very boring.  HAHAHAHAH.  OH, and back then, I was Valon.  My, how things have changed.


A Few Random Memories


Janessa took this picture one night.....

Calder on the night that John Curtis won the Senatorial Race

Chee Kong Teo and his son, Joseph, visited us in November, it was such a fun time.    As he left, he gave us a thousand dollars.

What a beautiful evening.

Celebrating December with Kristi.

Mantle thanks to Jenni and Kristi.


Letter to the President

Dear Trump,

My father taught us to love America.  He was a life-long staunch Democrat, and although only three of his four children follow him politically, he taught us to be patriotic.  I cannot see a flag or a parade without thinking of my father and getting tears in my eyes.  My father went to Germany after WWII as a judge at the War Crimes Trial.  He saw first-hand what one evil person can do to a nation.  One man with too much power and too much ego is not a mix for Democracy.  Nothing I say will ever change you, but WHY do you make such divisive statements?  WHY do you spread hate and distrust?  WHY do you think YOUR IDEAS are the only ones that matter?  WHY do you attack and retaliate against anyone who speaks out against you or has an opinion that differs from your own?  What happened in your childhood to make you so arrogant and mean to anyone that doesn’t agree with you?  The statements you make are often hurtful and often just NOT TRUE.  I’m thinking of the recent plane crash when you IMMEDIATELY blamed DEI as the cause of the crash.  I heard a very intelligent investigator in the aviation industry who said right after the horrific crash, “WE do NOT YET know what caused the crash!”  And, yet YOU blamed DEI.  Can you even begin to imagine the hurt you have caused the pilots in the helicopter crash?  Especially the woman pilot’s family?!?!?!?  Dear Trump, I don’t understand WHY you won’t tone down your rhetoric, your anger, your ego, your know-it-all attitude, your desire to punish anyone who doesn’t go along with you.  I will be forever proud to tell my grandchildren and great grandchildren that I did not vote for you, although politically I lean to your party.  But NOT TO YOU!



 Yesterday was a difficult day for me in a couple of ways:

1.  At the temple, a friend from the ward told me that he and his wife were struggling in their lives and marriage. I had not expected that admission.  He asked me to stand in the prayer circle with him.  (Brother Ortiz)

2.  At the temple, I saw a friend from Rexburg, and asked where his wife was.  He whispered that she had died.  I didn't see him again, so I came home and looked up her obituary.  She was only one year older than I and it is just so unsettling to see that.  (Elaine Agren Porter)

3.  When I returned home, I received an email from a relative telling me about the death of a cousin's daughter who had died of kidney failure.  (Carma Gee Sorensen)

4.  As Allen and I were in bed reading our scriptures, he received an email telling about the death of a man we had met on our first family history mission.  We had recently reconnected through the Sons of the Utah Pioneers.  (Max Turpin)

But, earlier, I had learned of the death of a man from Rexburg.  I had just listened on YouTube to a talk he gave many years ago, and wanted to find him to tell him what a great talk it was and that it had impacted me.  (Blaine Yorgason)

Life is so up and down.  Life is a challenge.  Life is HARD.  I just need to have faith that all the things we are taught about the afterlife are true.  




Sunday the day after Evan Fisher's baptism; he played the piano at the baptism on Saturday: I love to see the temple.  On Sunday, the day of this picture, he gave the opening prayer; he was nervous.  Such a great family.  

Houston Texas for the baptism of Evan David Fisher.  After the baptism on Saturday night, the adults went to a place to do country and western dancing.  It was the first time in 8 years that the adults got together without kids.  According to my sources, it was a lot of fun.


The Magnolia Palace

 Three Stars.

Told in two time periods, this story revolves around a true art museum started by  Henry Clay Frick.  Frick collected art and had an extensive collection.  His daughter hired a lady to be her personal secretary.  The lady had no prior experience, and had been, in fact, a model for famous statues in and around New York.  Her hiring was a fluke, but she established herself in the home of Frick.  Frick, in poor health, is murdered, and the mystery is not solved until the end of the book.

The 2nd time period is years later and involves a model who, through no fault of her own, becomes locked in the Frick museum.  It's a rather silly story, but she and a docent at the museum figure out clues which leads to the solution of the murder of Frick many years before.

I was just glad it was over.


A VERY Rare EVENT - SNOW in Houston, Texas

So fun, especially when you have it so rarely.

January 2025; just in time for Evan's 8th birthday and baptism!  


Abide With Me by Elizabeth Strout


What a downer book!
The story is of a minister, his two daughters, and his unhappy wife, who commits suicide shortly after the death of her second daughter.

It's also about some of the members of the congregation who have had sordid sins going on in their lives; a man who has a relationship with a woman (described quite descriptively and disgustingly in the book - totally unnecessary!), his housekeeper who confesses she murdered two old ladies in a nursing home to relive them of their terrible lives, and a school teacher who thought his daughter was pure evil.  It's so dark and gloomy and unhappy and LONG. 

I finally made my way thru the book wondering why I hadn't give up on it, but I didn't.  And, boy, was I glad when it was over.  

I give it .5 stars.  And, even that is a gift.
I"m so hoping the next book is better.   YIKES!  
SO many good books, how did I ever come across this one.



 after all these years; since 2012 according to Josh at the gym he owns.

I often wonder what my life and body would be like if I hasn't gone all these years.  

Has it made a difference?  Does my body care?  And, why do I have an earache right now in my right ear?


The Diamond Eye

 Exceedingly long book based on a real person - a lady from Russia who was a trained sniper during WWII.  She killed over 300 Nazi's and was very proud of her achievements.  

She became a hero for Russia and had a stamp issued for her.

She also was a friend of Eleanor Roosevelt.

For me, the book went on and on for far too long.  I was SO GLAD when it was over, but it gets lots of good reviews.  I give it 2 stars.  I just really couldn't get into it.  It does show the horrors of war and the brutality of the men and women who fight in it.

I need a light-hearted book about now.

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...