
Making a Believer Out of a Non-Believer

For quite a number of years now, I've encouraged RAH to join the throngs of people who use and are attached to a


But, he was perfectly content to use his well-worn


What do I need with a phone....I just need to make a few calls...or text someone once in a very rare while.

And, so it was....

UNTIL, we started looking at saving money.

His little phone was costing us a bundle, even though he rarely used it.

We heard about a different kind of plan....

Inexpensive, CHEAP even.

And, I jumped on board.

BUT, you had to buy a new phone for $179.00

SO, reluctantly he gave in.

RAH is now the proud owner of an American-made SMART PHONE.

And, guess what?!??!


He LOVES it.

And, that makes me smile.

(But, I"ll never say, I TOLD YOU SO!)

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