
Good-Bye Seniors Home Exchange!

For 13 years, RAH and I have been doing home exchanges.  (We have sandwiched them in between three part-time missions and a year teaching English in China for the church.)

We have been to:


Pacific Beach, California,

the Berkshires in Massachusetts,

Hilton Head, South Carolina,

Medford, Oregon,

Sedona, Arizona,

Cape Cod, Massachusetts,





and most recently Germany/Holland.

It is an incredible way to afford to go to those places.  Each trip was wonderful.  Each home was memorable and unique in its own way.

We did each of these changes through a FREE website called seniorshomeexchange.com.......

But, now it's over...

the website is NO MORE.  One day it was there, next day it was GONE!  FOREVER!

Say, I guess this means we are saying GOOD-BYE to all those wonderful home exchanges over the past years.

It was great, it was fun, it was always an adventure, and it leaves me wondering; where will we go next since we can't exchange homes any more?

Maybe we'll drive to Hurricane, Utah for PEACH DAYS!


It's All About the Money

Stan's father worked hard his entire life.

When he died, he left a $400,000 estate to his wife.

But, his intent was that his three children would get the inheritance.  Two children badly needed it.  One did not really need the money, but would get her equal share anyway to make it all fair.

Stan's mother remarried, Mr. Olive - a good Mormon.

One day, Stan's wife, Dee, was going through some legal documents and could not find the Trust document that Stan's father had set up for his family.

She was startled, a little stunned, and very concerned.

Upon further investigation, it was discovered that Mr. Olive - without his wife or her family's consent - had invested all his wife's money with Mr. Strebeck.

And, upon further investigation - several months worth - it was learned that Mr. Strebeck was an accomplished SCAM, CROOK, THIEF, LIAR, CON ARTISTE, and so much more.

Every penny of the $400,000 was




It is a wretched story; heartbreaking on so many levels.

When Dee told me about it, she said, "It's not about the money, it's that he will not be able to scam or hurt anyone else!'

Stan, sitting close by, said,  "It IS about the money.  My father worked VERY hard for that money.  He was not well, was often in pain, but went to work every day to earn that and leave it to his children.  To have it STOLEN by a scoundrel is beyond comprehension.

"Oh, yes," he proclaimed.  "It IS all about the money!"


Sunday Night Visits

I love visiting people on Sunday nights.

I've heard some great, inspiring, compelling, funny, amazing stories over the years.

The visits won't be happening over the next few weeks as I will be tending grandchildren and staying at a KOA for several weeks starting in July.

But, recently, I've visited that dear wonderful Dr. Howe.

John was a veterinarian.  He loves animals - of all sizes and kinds.  He has a very tender heart towards them and told me some great stories of his experiences taking care of them in California, where he practiced until he was in his 80's.

He didn't want to retire, but he couldn't see well enough or hear well enough to continue his practice.

Last week he told me the story of his courtship with his wife, who has been dead for quite a few years.  He had a picture of her on his dresser, and she was stunningly beautiful.  It's easy to see where his lovely daughter, my relief society president, gets her good looks.

I often find it sad when old people are sort of ignored in a ward; they have so much to offer, but no one pays them any heed.  People walk by as if they aren't there.  No one asks them to contribute in classes.

It's very sad.

I'm grateful I learned from my father that older people have much to offer.

I see it often in my Sunday evening visits.


Library Lover

Okay, I admit it...

I do not like to pay taxes!

However, and it's a big however,

I'm grateful for the services we get with our tax dollars.

And, mostly that would be a L.I.B.R.A.R.Y.!

Honestly, I am always amazed that more people don't make use of their local libraries.

Actually, I don't use the physical building that much any more, either.

But, I download ebooks to listen to while I exercise.

And, every time I go to the big red brick building, I'm amazed more people aren't in there.

It's just such a great concept; free books, movies, music, books on tape, and more books.

Who could afford to buy all the books one reads in a lifetime...certainly not MOI!

I love libraries.

Washington County Library in St George, Utah...
it's newer, but built to look like the old style of buildings in this historic town.

In the early days of the internet, when we would travel, we always stopped by a local library to check our emails, etc., so that was another convenient thing about a library...free internet.

I'll say it again.

I LOVE Libraries.


For several years, I took Margaret Emery to this library every two weeks or so.  I totally enjoyed taking her and realized how great a library is to any person on a very limited budget.  Or to anyone who wants to make use of an amazing service.


The Spendthrift

I don't know what to say to her.

I've tried to talk to her.

But, it's obvious, she doesn't care, doesn't listen, it doesn't matter to her?

Was I like this as a young lady?

How do you help someone who just spends, spends, spends?

Oh, well, whatever......

I have tried.


Worst Mother Ever

I didn't know what to say when Vonnie  A. declared:

"I was the worst mother ever!"

How do you counter that?

Whatever I would say, she would refute and tell me why she felt that way.

Her mind was made up.

She had specific examples of how she felt she had failed.

What makes women beat ourselves up?

Vonnie A. had been to visit a friend whose son was is the hospital.  The mother had stayed by his side for two days and nights. Vonnie A. said, "I was never there for my kids."

"And now, we don't communicate much, either."  She was downcast.

Our baptismal covenants say we are to bear one another's burdens.  But, sometimes it's very hard - not because we aren't willing, but because we don't know what to say, how to react, how to help.

And, so I listened politely to Vonnie A.

And, if I get points for having an aching heart, that would have been moi.

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...