
January 21, 2017

This was an unusual day filled with many emotions; mostly happy.

First off, I went to exercise; that's always good (to have over!)  Ha Ha.

Allen got a home exchange invite to France, so we talked about that a lot and we decided to invite our two daughters.  Then we decided that we would pay for them to go with us.

They were both so appreciative and excited and happy and ecstatic.

Then Stockton moved out....that left me with a very empty feeling....I can't really explain it, but I was left feeling somewhat forlorn.  I have enjoyed having here so very much.

After lunch, we went to visit some friends from Rexburg, who moved here in January of 2016.  They had sent us a Christmas card, so we decided to drop by and say hello.

We had not seen them for 12 years, so when we knocked on the door, she didn't realize who we were at first.  But, it was fun to get reacquainted and learn about their wonderful family with their three children grown and adults now.  That was fun.

We tried to see Shane Calder, but couldn't find his home in the dark, and wanted to visit someone else, but didn't have an address, so we went to Lin's for pizza (me), salad (Allen), which is a total switcheroo.

It was a fulfilling and gratifying day and at the end, I felt grateful for our lives and our family and our friends.

Life is good.

And, I loved January 21.

But, then, on January 22, it was an even better day.

We became great grandparents to little Evan David Fisher

Joyous times!

My heart is filled with gratitude.


Stories from the Mission

Because we are on a family history mission, we hear a lot of family stories;

Some very heartbreaking and sorrowful.

Many are faith promoting and inspiring.

Today, I heard about Loueen's life; her son committed suicide, then her mother die, then her husband died.
Later in the day, I learned that her son was responsible for starting the Piano Guys Group.


So, she has the joy and the sorrow, for sure.

There's beautiful Sister F, who came back to the church after many years of living a pretty wild life.  When she made the decision to return to the Gospel, her three children wanted nothing to do with her because she wouldn't party with them any more. Sh recently had surgery, but not one of her children called or checked in on her.  Just sorrow all around.  But, she finds joy in the many friends, neighbors, missionaries, and ward members who care for her.

There's wonderful, Brother Dickson, a veteran bomber from World WAR II.  In the last few years, his daughter accused him of molesting her and has cut off all ties with him.  He is such a remarkable man, and I find it hard to believe that he would have done such an horrid thing.  It is heartbreaking for him, and he doesn't really talk about to many people.

But, amidst the sad, is also the great wonderful people, who have trials and health issues, but they continue to come and serve.  And, they find great happiness in service. 

As I DO.



Recently, I said something to a son.

And, it's so true.

You cannot take words back.

Oh, how I wish I could.

But, I apologized and he's okay with everything.


A Success Story From the Mission

I really love our mission.

It's fulfilling to help people find names to take to the temple.

It's been inspiring to hear the stories of people and their families; some heartbreaking, some inspiring.

It's disheartening when I can't find a lost relative or something to help them.  I don't like those days.

But, recently, it was a great day.  It's not that I did anything that anyone else couldn't have done, but the family search library has access to some sites that people at home don't have, so I was able to help my neighbor.

Mike had told us that his father died when Mike was nine.  But, he knew so little about the circumstances of his father's death and knew very little of his father, other than he had been born in Lebanon.

So, after he gave me his father's name, I went to a site that has newspaper obituaries and found his father's obituary.  It listed quite a bit of information about Mike's dad; all of which Mike and siblings had never known.  His father had graduated from a Catholic high school and had gone to college in Chicago.  Also, the name of the building where he fell to his death was listed, which Mike and his siblings had never known.

Yesterday, Mike and his older brother made a trip to see the building, which has since been torn down, but he found a picture of the building at an historical library.  He drove to the spot where the building was; he told me tears were shed as he was piecing together some parts of his father's life he had never known.

I didn't do anything noteworthy, but because I had access to some sites, I was able to find the information he had yearned for since 1952.

I am grateful for days like that.

And, Mike is beyond grateful to, at last, have some closure on a father long gone.


Happy 2017!

I'm sure that it will be filled with ups and downs, as every year is.

But, I'm positive and optimistic about our future.

Here are my resolutions for the year:

1. Continue the Resolution to keep the gas at 1/2 or above.

2.  Read the scriptures every day with Sean's app.

And adding these:

Finish Jesus the Christ and relisten to it again in six months.

Read Brad Wilcox's Continual Atonement twice this year.

BE more concerned and loving towards others.  (Not very specific, but I know what it means.)

OH, and one more;


I hardly drink any water, so I MUST DRINK MORE!

No specific amount, BUT just more than I have in the past!

And, that's it.

Here we go.

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...