
Weekend in Coronado

No wonder it costs so much money;

It's a perfect place to live.

Or VISIT....

Which we did when Sayre got the Aaronic Priesthood.

And, it was great to be a part of it.....

Lemon Tree Very Pretty - especially with ALLEN and SAYRE just before church!

He was so excited to become a deacon.  So proud of him for wanting this!

Loving Grandson, Sayre; handsome Grandfather, Allen

Sayre wanted to walk downtown to get some Candy on Saturday morning,
so we had a great chat as we walked home from Orange Avenue.
Just a little while before he got a new haircut.....
He was pretty surprised when it was cut so short, but thankfully, he said, it will grow back!

The plants are Coronado are just stunning.  Every year, every street is filled with great beauty!

Kaeylyn went thrifting and found these funky shoes at the thrift store.  I love that she would be willing to wear these!


The Sunday Visits

I do so love visiting people on Sundays...

On Mother's Day, I visited three wonderful mothers:

Jessica Stout - expecting her 4th child - a girl, to match her other three.

Bobbi Jo Forsyth - wedding, mission report, mission farewell, high school graduation coming up!

Sheryl Sullivan; Home Decor Extraordinaire!  Every month she has a different theme coinciding with a holiday.  She does it up BIG.

Now, I would not necessarily do what she does, but I've got to hand it to her; she's very creative and her creative juices (and pocketbook- ha ha) are always flowing.

Here are pix of her decor for Mother's Day; she went with a butterfly theme and mothers, as you can tell.

Shoes galore; just like a mom, right?!?!?!

About six months of the year, she puts up her tree and decorates it with the theme of the month.  Even the pictures on her walls are changed to reflect the theme.  It's really quite remarkable.  

Every month, she uses different plates, flatware, and goblets.  New table cloths, and accessories.
What a lady.  She invites six ladies over once a month for her monthly dinners.  Two are regulars, and two are new missionaries for the family history mission.  She's one-of a kind!  Thanks, Loretta Allam, for the pictures.


Eat More....Move Less

Ha HA HA HA...

that seems to be my mantra the last few months.

I just keep getting bigger.

Because I LIKE food, snacks, goodies, gum drops, chips, chocolate, and other tasty not-so-good-for you-weight-gaining foods.


Gotta change the mantra to what it is supposed to be:


Okay, so, can I?


There is Beauty All Around

Very early this morning, I awoke to the beautiful sounds of many birds.

The chirping was intense and plentiful.

Later on in the morning, I realized there were no more birds singing, and I sensed a loss.

But, there are birds that fly around our yard a lot.  They drink from a water thing in our back yard; they light on the big fence between our yard and the Ivey's, the flit from flower to tree to fence and all around.

It's a beautiful sight to see and so delicious other them early in the mornings.

Back against our fence, there are roses galore, flowers in our flower pots, green grass in front and back, little buds flowering on our pomegranate bushes.

It's so beautiful.  It makes my heart happy to see and hear it all.

What a wonderful world.

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...