
Yakety Yak!

And on it goes, over and over.

When will it ever stop?

I'm afraid it will be like this forever.

And, it's hard to have to listen.

For future years, in case I forget who I am even talking about;

It's a dear friend and neighbor, but EVERY conversation ends up being about HER....it gets very tiring after being with her for awhile.  

She's a good good person, but she has a need that is overpowering to be the centre of attention at all times in every situation.  I don't get it.

But - there it is..

Yakety Yak!


Remembering Alonzo Jansen

Saturday morning was our turn to help clean the church.

I was happy to do so...it had been about two years since we had done it because until this morning, we have had four wards in our building.

The last time we did it, Doris Hancock was there helping...she was in her 80's and it reminded me that our church gives opportunities to serve, no matter what our age.

Only 6 people showed up to help, so we were there for quite awhile.  Our building is LARGE.  I've been to Churches in our faith that are small and it wouldn't take very long to clean, but ours has a lot of classrooms and long halls and big chapel, three bathrooms, etc.  So, the six of us worked hard to get the entire building cleaned and ready for Sunday.

While I was vacuuming, I thought many times of the custodian in our ward in Rexburg, Idaho.  Alonzo Jansen.  It made me realize what a big job it is to keep a church clean.  It also made me hope that I had helped to keep it clean by cleaning up after my family when we ate Cheerios, pizza, and other items in the chapel or elsewhere.  When I taught Primary, did I have the class clean up after?  When I was in Young Women, did I teach them it was OUR responsibility to clean up after ourselves when we left?  Probably not, and I don't like knowing that about me!

I know that I take more responsibility for keeping the church clean now that WE THE PEOPLE are the ones doing the cleaning.  But, I don't think I felt that way all those years ago.  "Let someone else do it," is probably what I reasoned.  And that is so wrong in every instance; church, school, car, home, buildings.  It REALLY IS my responsibility.

I used to think that Brother Janson was overprotective about the building, but now I get it.  Gum in the classroom carpet, milk spilled on the pews, red punch in the hallway; it just doesn't come out!  It's not our building to show such disrespect.  Bother Janson was a good man, with a large family and he deserved my respect and the respect of my family for the wonderful job he did over the years.  I wish I could tell him that now.

But, what I can do now, is twofold.  Be a better steward to any building, home, car, office, that I enter.  And, secondly, be appreciative to those who do the cleaning; janitors, cleaners, etc.

Yes, I'm grateful I helped clean the church, and it's a good reminder that I need to be aware of picking up, cleaning up, not messing up wherever I go!


MINI Tender Mercy

It's so incredibly HOT in this town!

The heat is relentless and is continuing for a very long time...unfortunately.

So, it makes air conditioning a MUST HAVE.

And, good cool clothing.

This morning, I went to the temple to do some sealings.  I always enjoy that, but the room was so sweltering hot.

Also, my dress is polyester and it would be hard to find a fabric more unsuitable for hot weather.  Add to that the fact that I usually wear my gym white shirt underneath, as I usually go to the gym immediately afterwards.  So, in other words, my clothing is HOT!

I had 6 names to do.  But, in the room, they asked if I would help with a handful of other names needing sealings.  Well of course.

I was so glad when it was over, BUT THEN....the gentleman at the sealing desk asked if I had some time to do some more sealings where another woman was needed.  I agreed.

By then, I was sheltering hot on the 3rd floor of the temple....I walked in to a different sealing room, and was feeling pretty uncomfortable and miserable, when I realized there was air flowing; cooling air; it was so remarkable because the first room had been absolutely stifling.  Now, however, there was a small draft of air flowing thru.  It felt so very good.  I said a silent prayer of thanks, and then did the other names.

And, I felt grateful for that cooling air in a wonderful setting.

It also reminded me, again, of the marvelous people who have come before me with no air conditioning - EVER - how did they survive?

I have much to be grateful for on this lovely Friday morning!

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...