
Sorrow That the Eye Can't See

It all seemed so normal.

But, how could I have known about the hurt going on underneath?

I should have been more aware, more sensitive, but I wasn't.

So, I was very surprised yesterday to learn about a dear friend, who is having serious issues with one of her children.  She is devastated and suffering.

Which causes me to feel that way also.

And, I wish I could help her.  I can listen, but she's not ready to talk yet.  She has some dark tunnels to wade thru, and when she wants to talk, I'll be there to listen.

I have a favorite scripture that I yearn for it to come to pass:  Revelation 21:4

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrownor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. 

In the meantime, I will pray for this person and family.

In the past month, two of my good friends have been devastated by behaviors of their children.  It is so painful to watch and know about.

In one of the cases, I blame social media and the bullying that goes on; it's so horrific.  Sometimes, I just want to take my entire family and move to Mongolia...except that I hate the cold.

I will think of President Hinckley's message of HOPE;  "It will all turn out!"

That will be my mantra.

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