

We have been self-quarantined for nearly three weeks.  Yesterday we went out to meet with our financial advisor, and got some take out food from El Pollo.  But other than that, we have been inside except for a daily walk.

My heart aches for the people who get this horrid virus, and for the many millions whose lives will be affected by it because of loss of jobs.

This is so unlike anything most of us have seen in our lifetime.

It's war, not with weapons, but with health.  And, it's very ugly.


When the Provo Hackworths Wore Plaid

I just came across this picture and it brought such a smile to my face.

These are very challenging times; no school, so every parent is home schooling; no shopping, so eat what is in the cupboard; no playing with friends so try to enjoy your family.

It's all so new to us.

So, this picture just made me smile all over the place.

Oh, and how I love them!




Add to that; an earthquake in northern Utah...Magna, Utah.  It was a 5.7 magnitude.  No deaths, but displacements, structural damage, power outages, moving walls, waking people up, etc.

But, the real news continues to be the corona virus.

Las Vegas has closed all businesses.

Janessa is out of work for 2 - 4 weeks.

Jordan's surgery center is likely closing down.  Kristi works there also, so that's such bad news.

Schools have closed; many for the remainder of the year.

People are encouraged to STAY IN!

There is a lot of good going on with people helping one another, including our dear Janessa and Brent doing our shopping for us.

These are crazy times, indeed.

But, as Mr. Rogers always said, "Look for the Helpers!"


A Letter to My Mother

Dear mom,

You have been gone for almost 16 years.

I still miss you so very much.

In the spring, I always think of your great love of flowers and beauty.

When I hear birds, I sometimes think of the robin story you told me and of your love of birds and hummingbirds.

At Christmas, I bring out the many items that you so lovingly stitched.  I cannot even imagine the number of hours it would have taken to do those stockings, table runners, etc.  They are treasures for me and for my family.

On the rare occasions when I have company and try to set a table, I think of the gorgeous table you used to set; not just the dinnerware, but oh, the food to accompany the pretty settings.

When I go to yoga, I often wonder if you did this pose, or that one?  I'm so proud that you were doing yoga before it was "the thing" to do.

I cannot even imagine the courage it took you to head off to Germany shortly after a World War.  You went alone with two children because dad was already there.  I don't like to go to Salt Lake alone, and you were so brave.

Flying with dad would have been such a scary thing, yet you would always go along so that he would not be alone.

The stories you told over the years about some of your sad moments come to me at times, and I want to weep for you.

As a young girl, I loved it when you would dress up to go to your brunch club or book club.

I love our Stake President, and I often think of you as the Stake President's wife and know the members of the Pocatello stake would have loved you and dad as much as I love our leaders.

Oh, my dear mom, I have such fond memories of you.

But, yesterday, as we were talking to a grandson,  I wanted to call you, to tell you about our grandchildren and five children, to brag about them, to share their lives with you.

It was an ache so deep in my soul that I cannot find words to explain those feelings that I had for those brief moments.

Dear Mother, you were a Saint, an Angel, a Giver, a Nurturer, a Woman for All Seasons.

And, my love is because you loved me.

I honor and love you.  Thank you for the great gifts you gave us as we grew up; unconditional love.

Summer 1965; a trip to New York for the World's Fair.  Kaey had to stay home and work for Mr. Bullock on his farm, so Allen and I went.  I took along a portable typewriter because I had to finish a term paper for summer school.  I just love those two younger brothers; and look at my beautiful mother.  I can't wait for the grand reunion when I hug her again!


The Tax Refund Story

Look, Look, Look.

See, RAH, See.

It is a tax REFUND.

That is very rare.

It is so FUN!

What shall we do with all that Money?

We could go on a mini trip!

Or we could buy flooring because ours is so old.

We could put some money in stocks...they are very low right now.

Savings is always a good thing to do with extra money.


Look, look, look.

See, Allen, see.

The brakes are gone on our car.

The cement has raised up and is causing people to trip.

See the extra money go away.

That is sad.

That happiness was short-lived!


I'll tell you what is happening....

The coronavirus is happening:

The world is on an amazing adventure of grand proportions:

And, that is what is happening.


Fun Times In Provo

Calder at school....What a cutie!

Tried to make a hat for the boys.  This is a little too big for Calder!

THIS IS SO GROSS.  Thankfully, it didn't happen on my watch.  Miles cut his finger while cutting cheese!

I loved eating at LaCantrina for a couple of reasons; the food was DEElicious, but no one could get up and leave the table. We sat around and talked and laughed, and talked some more.  If only we could eat out every night,
so they have to stay at the table longer and interact.

"Grandma, will you take me fishing at the Provo River?"  Holy cow!  It was FREEZING, but Miles didn't seem to notice the temperatures.  Sadly, they didn't get anything.  Just one nibble!  What a great kid!

Battle Ship with Calder.  HOLY COW, my kids played this game.  It's much more sophisticated nowadays with electronics and voices talking, etc.  We didn't use those and just used the old fashioned way of playing.  We played another really silly game, but I forgot to get some pictures.  It was called Throw, Throw, Burrito.
How some of these games get put on the shelves amazes me.  It was so silly, but Calder loved it!

Oh, how I love these three boys...(apparently, there's no picture of Eli, sad to say.)

They are so unique, so interesting, and so fun to be around.

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...