Calder at school....What a cutie! |
Tried to make a hat for the boys. This is a little too big for Calder! |
THIS IS SO GROSS. Thankfully, it didn't happen on my watch. Miles cut his finger while cutting cheese! |
I loved eating at LaCantrina for a couple of reasons; the food was DEElicious, but no one could get up and leave the table. We sat around and talked and laughed, and talked some more. If only we could eat out every night, so they have to stay at the table longer and interact. |
"Grandma, will you take me fishing at the Provo River?" Holy cow! It was FREEZING, but Miles didn't seem to notice the temperatures. Sadly, they didn't get anything. Just one nibble! What a great kid! |
Battle Ship with Calder. HOLY COW, my kids played this game. It's much more sophisticated nowadays with electronics and voices talking, etc. We didn't use those and just used the old fashioned way of playing. We played another really silly game, but I forgot to get some pictures. It was called Throw, Throw, Burrito. How some of these games get put on the shelves amazes me. It was so silly, but Calder loved it! |
Oh, how I love these three boys...(apparently, there's no picture of Eli, sad to say.)
They are so unique, so interesting, and so fun to be around.
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