
Becoming a Label Reader

 WOW!  Have I learned a lot over the past few weeks as I've followed Jen Smiley on Instagram.

I'm carefully reading labels on most food items and it's SHOCKING what is being allowed in our food.  well, it's not even really food any more.  It's laboratory stuff to enhance and addict us.  

And, it has me in its grasp.  But, I'm trying harder to be aware of all the chemicals and icky stuff that goes into everything, except plant-based whole foods.  NO, I have not become a vegetarian or a vegan, or a radical!  

But, what I have become is AWARE.  AWARE of all the harmful additives that our government allows because GOVERNMENT is in the pockets of BIG FOOD.  It's so incredible and disheartening because OUR GOVERNMENT IS  actually AGAINST US in the fight for good health.

It is definitely a challenge to eat healthy, but I am working on it.

Here's to better health and a long HEALTHY life!


Happy Birthday to MOI!


My card from a year ago.  

It finally came true, and it was AWESOME!

AWESOME!  Thanks so much Kristi and Jenni!


The Thursday Gang


Thursdays are fine ...here's the gang; the Allam, the Sjogren, the Kerns, and the Hackworth's.

A drive to some place first, then off to lunch somewhere.  Gigi picked Blaze Pizza and it was very delicious.  Such fun times.  I'm so grateful for friends.



 Oh, did it feel good....

to be sitting in the theatre with our friends on five dollar Tuesday.

It was mighty fine.

The movie wasn't that great; pretty dark and dreary in fact, albeit a true story.

BUT, there we were in a theatre with NO MASKS!

Lovin' the new freedom!

THANK you, Heavenly Father!


And, What Did YOU do for Mother's Day Weekend?


Just FUN and inspiring.

To begin; we went to Las Vegas to watch our newest grandson-in-law drive a Lamborghini!  He had won the driving experience in a sales competition at his work.  

He was just so EXCITED!  As were we all.  

Jenni didn't get to drive the car, but we all wanted to get close.  Closest we'll ever be to a Lamborghini!
Daniel won the contest.  He was so excited on the morning of the BIG DAY.  It was so fun to be there with him!
I could hardly get in or out of this very fancy, lovely car.  So, I'll stick to my CRV, thank you.  Plus, I am not eager to pay $800.00 to drive 7 laps!  HA HA.

Sunday morning breakfast at Daniel and Janessa's lovely home; Daniel made baked oatmeal and I learned something....I STILL cannot tolerate oatmeal.  I was hoping by baking it with apples, raisins, spices, it would be okay..it wasn't.

Lunch could not have been better; holy cow, it was absolutely DELICIOUS and so incredibly HEALTHY.

After lunch, we headed to Church.  I know it is not appropriate to take pictures in church, but I thought this was so historical with the Primary having to sing toothier mothers in Masks.  

Allen, Loni, neighbor of Daniel's while growing up, former Bishop of Daniel's, Bob, Daniels' father, Daniel, who was ordained an Elder, Janessa, Jenni, Brent

What a great two days.  I am so thankful for family!


Famous Author in the Family

 News Flash!

Nathaniel Gee just had a rom com published and is being sold on Amazon.....

It's all so very exciting; he's always working on a book, so it's fun to have it come to fruition.

Can't wait to get my copy and read it!  


When the Family Gets Together

 Time to head north to watch the grandsons in a play;

Oh, such fun.

Especially when we get to go with our darling daughter, Jenni, and when her son and wife surprise at the theater.

Saturday, just as we were leaving, Amy's nephew, Parker and his wife showed up!
Sadly, there could be no pictures taken with the cast in their costume.  That made me sad because they looked so cute.  Eli was the King and Miles was a player.  It was a wonderful experience.  And, there were Stockton and Morgan to support the fam!

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...