
Road Trippin'


Did I mention it was a long drive?

But the beauty was spectacular and memorable.

HOH Rain Forest in Oregon.  Absolutely breathtaking and unique.

This sign totally made me laugh - and think of Lisa and Don Sjogren.  She LOVES to shop!
The longest beach in America to drive on...so unique.

Another sign that made me laugh.  Oh, those liberal Oregonians.

Just an ordinary drive in the rain forest.  Love all the green.

A beach along the highway in Oregon.  Windy and rocky; not like California  and Florida beaches but incredible still.

First night campground.  I could not get over the green after driving thru Nevada.

I decided to wear my Ricks shirt one day and to see if anyone mentioned it.  Coming out of Mo's famous chowder restaurant, this girl just looked at me and said, "My husband graduated from there a week ago!"  Loved it and had to take a picture, of course.  What young girl even knows the name Ricks?  

Landon is in dental school in Portland, so we stoped to take him and his lovely wife, Halsey to dinner.  My goodness; they are so awesome and cute together.

Sometimes museums are just so incredible and awesome.  As was this one in Astoria, Oregon.  I learned so much and was astounded at so much.  I don't remember anything, but, man, did I think it was so great that we went there.


WE've been to the tower of Astoria before, but we weren't able to climb the steps because of Covid.  

Look at the roots on that tree; so fascinating.

God has created such an incredible world; filled with wonderful scenery and wonderful people.  What a grand adventure we had, and YES, you are right; we were glad to get home!

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