

 I hate when there is discord.

I do not like when there are hard feelings.  I try to avoid it at all costs.

I just want PEACE and HARMONY and LOVE.

Hard to achieve when there are so many personality types.

Time to move on.


Friends From the Past


Parade of Homes 2022...

And, there was a neighbor from Rexburg.  Shane Calder.  How we love this family and this man.  Mr Personality Plus...just like his dad and older brother, Quinn.  

It's so fun to see friends from the past!



 I so often wish I could pray away my children's problems....their stress levels, their hard lives.

Life doesn't work that way, but I just wish life were not so hard.

Which it is and I do not like to see my children in pain or suffering.

They each have such different personalities that they handle stress so differently, but what do you do to help them when they are suffering?  

It's hard.



 "What's this?" RAH asked one morning looking in the DI pile.

"Stuff that is no longer useful in our home."  

"I'm sure I could find something to use it for.  We don't want to give THAT away!"

"And, what is this," he continued going thru the bag.....

"Clothes that no longer fit, I haven't worn for 20 years, out of style, and no longer fit, as I mentioned previously."

"Well, look at that fabric, it's perfectly fine and in great shape," he nods as he looks at the faded fabric that hasn't seen the light of day for 20 years and I thought someone could use to tear up for rags.

"You are not seriously thinking of giving THESE away, are you?" he pursues, holding up books that he has never been aware that we have; he will not have the slightest interest in reading; and just gather dust in shelves I am trying to clear out.

SO it goes..now the DI basket is empty.

And that is why, when I can, I SNEAK off to DI.....I just hope he never asks where his hammer went!



 I do NOT think that China should have been allowed to host the Olympics.  But, then, no one listened to me or cared about my opinion.

But, they are having so many human rights violations, that the world should not come to their country as an HONOR.  Hosting the Olympics should be an honor awarded to an honorable country.

What they are doing to their own people, who are Uyghurs and Muslims, is beyond thinkable in this day and age.  It's not the dark ages or even the 1940s.  

Who makes these horrible decisions anyway?  

Oh, wait, I know.  MONEY TALKS.


When you Try Out a new Form of Make-up

 I can't say it's my favorite look, but there's lots of good to say about it.

I didn't break anything.  I didn't get a brain bleed.  I'll recover quickly.  And, it was only 7 stitches.

Me and my terrible balance.  I was talking to Janessa; had to go to the bathroom, stood up quickly and I don't remember anything after that.  But, it involved blood, poop, headache, and disorientation.  

Allen drove me to the emergency room and they took good care of me.   

Poor RAH got the shivers really badly while waiting in the cold ER, but we made it home, and I'm grateful things weren't much, much worse.

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...