
His Name....

popped up out of the blue.

A friend from our college days.

RAH said he heard he had dropped out of the church.  So i Facebooked him. 

While his last post on FB was in 2012, I did find him when I googled him.  He is associated with a Unitarian church in Boise.

It made me feel so sad.  what is happening?  Friends and family....so heartbreaking....but, so far, I am holding strong.  

Because I love the Gospel of Christ.


Just a Few Things....

My new favorite picture.  When you don't want to look at a scary part in the movie, but you also don't want to miss anything.  Olivia watching, FROZEN II.

Jenni in Portland with her little granddaughter, Scottie Pacific.  If this isn't just the cutest picture ever!

Finder's Keepers....just look what I found in my cedar chest this morning.  And, my sweet mom had sewed them all on.  I was so blessed and didn't even realize it.  I had the best mother ever.  Oh, what a stupid person I was!

 Travis Baker came to stay with us for Thanksgiving.  He's such a great, dear, wonderful person.  It was a delight to have him.  Come again anytime, dear Travis.



New shelves....

 Allen bought a new shed.  Then he said, it needs shelves.

And, on a portion of the shelves, I got all my tubs organized into holidays by the year; winter, Valentine's day, Easter, etc.  

It's so awesome and so very easily accessible.  I'm as giddy as a child on Christmas Day!

Thanks, RAH!


A Sunday in November

In the evening.....
In the morning......

A wonderful day, indeed.

Let's Hear it For Calder!


Calder entered a competition in break dancing.  He came in 8th of 13.  So FUN...

Go, Calder!


Let's Hear it for Technology


The black and whites are original pictures.

Then I learned how MyHeritage.com will change black and white to color.  In about 30 seconds.

I'm not sure why black and white pictures even need coloring; they are unique and reminiscent of when they were taken.

But, it was fun to learn how and to learn about this amazing new feature in regards to ever-advancing technology.

But, whatever, the way it is taken, PICTURES are wonderful.


A Few Days Ago.....

 Our son, Justin, was featured in a show on BYUTV called ARTFUL.  It showcases talented people in the field of arts.

Justin was honored to be asked to do this segment, which only lasted about 12 minutes.  But, it was so heartwarming and poignant.  We all were so proud of him.

Among the pictures that were when was this picture from 1996....it is of my mother and me.  It's so lovely and bring back so many fond memories of my dear mother.  

Thanks, Justin, for this reminder of how blessed I am to have had such marvelous parents.

Seeing my mother sit in her home surrounded by so many of her precious items, makes me just want to talk to her, ask her where the items came from, how did she come to have them???!?!?

It also makes me so grateful for the Plan of Salvation because I KNOW that I will my mother again.


A Week in Las Vegas


Blue Diamond, Nevada....very interesting little town.
One of the classiest spots on Vegas; the Wynn.
The buffet at the Wynn; very overpriced....wouldn't do it again.  I couldn't eat enough to justify the price.
I DID SOMETHIng BRAVE;  rode the Insanity ride at the stratosphere.  I was not really scared.  I spoke to God on the entire ride.

It's always a blessing to go to the temple with Janessa.

It was a fun week; saw a couple of shows, not real famous ones, but fun, nevertheless less.  Spent a couple of days with Janessa.  Went to a little town in Utah that Allen always wanted to visit.  Saw the fountains at the Bellagio.  went to the temple with Janessa.  

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...