
A Few Days Ago.....

 Our son, Justin, was featured in a show on BYUTV called ARTFUL.  It showcases talented people in the field of arts.

Justin was honored to be asked to do this segment, which only lasted about 12 minutes.  But, it was so heartwarming and poignant.  We all were so proud of him.

Among the pictures that were when was this picture from 1996....it is of my mother and me.  It's so lovely and bring back so many fond memories of my dear mother.  

Thanks, Justin, for this reminder of how blessed I am to have had such marvelous parents.

Seeing my mother sit in her home surrounded by so many of her precious items, makes me just want to talk to her, ask her where the items came from, how did she come to have them???!?!?

It also makes me so grateful for the Plan of Salvation because I KNOW that I will my mother again.

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Best Family Ever!

  Latest Zoom call.  I love these great people.  Good, good GOOD.  How did I get so blessed?!?!?!