
Oh, Such GRAND grandsons!


This picture makes me laugh.  

1.  Because I look so old and wrinkly.

2. Because these two handsome dark-haired young men dyed their hair blonde to celebrate a new movie called BARBIE.  It is a mania....ha ha ha.  

We spent a couple of fun days together, even tho it is so HOT!  We still had fun.


AN Inspiration


Dee is 98.......He goes to the gym nearly every day.

WOW!  What an inspiration.


 Life is such a challenge.  

I can't explain it...but it's so hard.

I need to turn this over to Christ.  AGAIN.


What's for Breakfast?!?!

 When my kids were little, I would ask their friends what they had for breakfast....it's a running joke in our family.

But, I was always looking for something to try out to fix for that boring meal called breakfast.

I don't really ask people that question any more.

But, I have the same boring breakfast most mornings.

First thing that goes into my mouth most mornings is: 2 hazel nuts and a few walnuts because those nuts are very healthy.

Next, I make a drink; here is what is in it...

Water, ice cubes, KaChava Protein powder (that changes sometimes by using different brands), a big handful of power greens, a variety of vegetables - carrots, cucumbers, peppers, etc.), flax seed, and collagen.

I hope this is healthy, but that's what's for breakfast these days!


Our Kids - Out and About

Here's Jordan hiking in the Colorado mountains.  Look at those long, lean legs.  HA HAHA 

And, here are Bobby and Kristi in the mountains of Maine, biking......

Great views, great kids.

Their dad taught them to love the out of doors.  For which I am so grateful.  


How To Clean a Junk Drawer....

 Pick a specific drawer to clean.....

Work your way thru the drawer.....

Decide where the items should actually be located...move them to that new location.

Sit back and enjoy the feeling of having done something.



Miscellaneous Cards

 I'm never satisfied with what I draw.

But, I send them out anyway.

Here are two that I made recently:

I made this one quite awhile ago.  I've been saving it to send to Loretta for her birthday later this week, but at the last minute, I changed my mind.  But, I quite like this card.  However the circles aren't very circlely.  (HA HA..I made that word up.)

I made this for the 4th of July.  It has some problems, but I did text it to many people on the 4th of July with a scripture from Ether 2:12 about America being the choice land.


Indexing Numbers


My goal is to do fifty names a day!
That goal only started in May, however....

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...