

Oh, Those Grandkids Again!


Jaxon at three months; it's so ironic...he's a very BIG boy and growing rapidly.  His brand new cousin, Asa, just can't get enough milf from his wonderful mother.  Just proving how we are all different when it comes to nursing our babies.

Teeny picture was taken from a very long way away.  But, it's Sayre as the star of the play.....

We didn't get to go see it.  And, now, I'm so sad about that decision.  Bad decision, which happens to me a lot.


Grandkids and Great Grandkids

 Bridger has an internship....I can't find out any information on what the company is or anything about it.  I hope it's not a joke or a scam...

But, he will be going to Washington, DC in March to begin the adventure!  So intriguing.  Apparently, he will be doing data research for the Republican party.    It's hard being a grandparent.  You want so much for your grandchildren.  And, when they don't get what they want, it's so heartbreaking.  He really wanted an internship at Intermountain Health, but didn't get it.  

I sent a book to the Fisher Family in Texas.  Here's a picture of Sean reading to his beautiful, wonderful children:

Sean is such a marvelous father....could there be any better?  Adorable little family, for sure.


Happy 10th birthday, Calder


HAHAHA.  Calder told me he was getting donut cake; and here it is.  And, look at those candles.  Now, that's what I call a candle.

Donna and Bill live close to ALL her kids and close to most of Bill's kids.  On each grandchild's birthday, they take that child to dinner.  I tell her often what a GREAT blessing that has been in her life. I don't want to sound or to be jealous, but it is such a great blessing.  I'm sure she appreciates it.  

But, I do miss having my grandchildren close by.  

At least one child, Stockton, his wife and family live near by, and we see them fairly frequently and it is such a blessing.  

The Sound of Music with Oakley Stout


Oakley was adorable as Gretl.  The play was delightful.  As is Oakley.


Day in ZION with Dorothy

 It was a beautiful day for a drive through Zion National Park.  We learned all about Dorothy's grandfather and his amazing invention on Cable Mountain.


New PIctures of Great Grandchild # 8


Still Reeling From the Anger of My Friend

 It's still painful.

On Sunday, Loretta and I were standing in the hallway of the church.  She said, "Okay, it's time to address the Elephant in the Room."  And she apologized in a sort of way.  I said, "I'm sorry.  I overstepped my bounds."  And, that was that.  She had done her duty.  She had said sorry.  But, it was so hollow and not real or sincere.

Well, Allen was glad it was all over.  But, it's still raw for me.  Then at a ward party on Wednesday night, she totally ignored me.  Mike and Loretta and the Watts sat clear across the room and totally ignored me. All the old feelings of hurt, dismay, pain washed over me again.

She had apologized - yes.  But, in the meantime, she had stolen two dear friends from me.  She had written me off and caused me unimaginable grief.  And, she said to me in a cast off way, "I'm sorry."  As if that could be just checked off her to-do list.  Now, she can go on with her life and feel good that she at least said sorry.

But, I am still left with the hurt, anger, disappointment, loss of friendships over a year.  

Through all of this, I often think of the Saviour.  How did he still love those who abandoned, betrayed, persecuted Him?  HOW did He do it?  

And, how do I thoroughly get over the feelings in my heart?

On a happier note, I realize that I have so many great blessings.  And, I do want God to know that I have such gratitude for so many things.


A NEW Baby in the Family....

 Meet Asa Kai Fisher, born on 4th of February 2024.  

So exciting.  He's so blessed to be int home of Evan and Olivia and Felix and Sean and Lisa.

Sean and Lisa are quite thoughtful about the names of their children.  Here is what they said about the name ASA KAI...

So exciting.  And, happy news indeed.

The Temple Open House

 After months of planning and preparation, our time for serving at the Red Cliffs Utah temple open house has passed.

Allen made these assignments in December!  He was working on this project for a very long time.  He put in many many hours of work.  It is amazing how he was so faithful and devoted in doing this.  

Our Stake assignments for volunteers was for February 1 and February 5.  After the last shift was over, Allen sent this letter to many of the people involved.  

Thank you for everything you did to help advertise, promote, and serve as worker volunteers for the Red Cliffs Utah Temple Open House on February 1 and 5, the Little Valley Stake's assigned days.  More than 618 people helped during the two-day service challenge.  Perhaps you were able to notice and observe that GREATNESS occurred as good people served with kindness and patience.  

The work required energy and endurance from both the youth and adults.  With eight shifts, approximately four hours each, people came, and came, and came to help.  It was a beautiful thing.  You are so appreciated, and your hard work creates strong feelings of love.  Be grateful we all live among such good people.  Be grateful for your part in the Kingdom of God.

We had a unique situation in that for a very short time here in St. George, we had the oldest operating temple and the newest operating temple.  That will never likely happen again.  

It was a great blessing to be involved and to have been able to help.  I'm so very grateful for that opportunity.  It was also a blessing to meet Mike and Polly Housley who were our leaders.  Man, they were so inspiring.  

I was so grateful to have had that opportunity.  

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...