
Happy Doctor's Day


He wanted a PhD in Biology because he loved animals and plants and stuff like that, but realized not that many jobs would be available, but there would always be a job for a doc; so he became one. She was a nurse for many years and her friends said, "Let's be Doctors of Nursing," so she said, "Why not? Just because I have four young children, that shouldn't stop me!" So she became a Doctor of Nursing. In Junior high he and a friend leaned across the aisle and said to each other, "When we grow up, let's be doctors." So they became doctors. One day driving home from her job as a registered dietitian specializing in diabetes, she was perplexed because a diabetic patient said to her, "Hmm, I don't know about what you say, I'll check with my doctor to see what he says." So, on the way home she said to herself, "I'LL just take the MCAT in 6 weeks and be the doctor and THEN they'll do what I suggest." (Which they don't). So she became the doctor. It's National Doctor Day, and I couldn't be prouder of these amazing, talented, hard-working, dedicated, fun, musical, happy, uncomplaining professionals. They did not get their brains from the mother. They did get their music skills from the father. They did not get anything from me except really WHITE skin, for which I apologize. Not pictured here is the one other outstanding son who makes us laugh and smile all the time and takes incredible pictures of our gatherings and well, anyone else's gatherings who want him to. These four are joined by outstanding spouses who support these docs in their shenanigans: band practices, quilt making, scuba diving, etc. HAPPY DOCTOR'S DAY, Jordan, Jenni, Jeremy, and Kristi. Oh, and by the way, I have this pain in my side...what should I do about it?


From the St George Temple Behind the Scenes

We went to hear Roland Lee speak at Sons of the Utah Pioneers.  It was a marvelous, inspirational meeting.  He had been on the committee for the St George Utah Temple Open House.  These are a portion of the slides he showed during his presentation.  It was so fun to hear these many interesting happenings at that six-week long event.  I was so grateful to be there.



The Quitter Finishes

 I quit things so easily; if it gets tough, I quit!

But today, I finished a goal I told Allen about.  I told him I was going to go 45 minutes the elliptical.  I really wanted to quit, but I didn't.

I didn't go fast, but I went the entire 45 minutes, which was my goal.

That felt good.


A Gift From Polly


Polly Housley gave us this stunning picture of the Red Cliffs Utah Temple.  It was in appreciation for helping with the ushering.   It was so thoughtful.  She had hand put the lettering on the front of the frame, which would have taken a very long time; so thoughtful.

I am so grateful hat we were able to help with this event.  This picture will serve as a reminder of helping out.  And, also, as a reminder of how awesome Polly and Mike Housley are.


Pictures From the Past - Way Past


WOW!  How time flies...

Also, how wrinkles appear and hair disappears.  (For me, at this point in my life; not back then!)


SPRING! Loveliest time of the YEAR!


Sitting outside on our swing seat.  Just relaxing and enjoy the buy around us.


There's a Great Scripture in Isaiah...

 ...which tells us not to worship the work of our own hands....

So, I'm reluctant to show this because I'm bragging about the work of my own hands, but here's something I made last year....

Now, the thing is to not look too closely because the sleeves don't match.  HAHAHAHAHAH.   But, it is pretty cute.  I donated the sweater, hats and afghan to Switch Point 2nd Hand store; I hope some lovely lady was able to use all of these items.  

I also wish that I had Jenni's perfection trait.  But, I don't, so that's why I left the sleeves not matching.  I didn't realize it until it was practically done.  And, I left it.  Jenni would never have done that.  But, it is what it is.


Jenni and the Quilts

Jenni loves making quilts.  She is so incredibly talented.  She is also a perfectionist.  I think these are all just incredible.  What a talented daughter. 



Journal Entires from the Way Past...

 I am doing something that may be bad, but I'm going thru an old journal and tossing away most of the pages.

We've been asked to keep journals, but they should be more for inspiration than desperation, which mine turn out to be.  So, hence, GONE pages.


It's OSCAR - For All of Ten, Maybe Twenty Minutes!

 But, we'll take what we can get...right?!?!

He's on his way to work in Moab.  Maybe we can see him there this summer!

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...