
When a Friend Dies

She was acerbic, biting, often cruel, always honest.

She had alienated herself from her entire family of five children.

Her husband had left her many years before I met her.

She had little tolerance for shortcomings or mediocrity in others.

In fact, she often had little tolerance for others at all.

And, yet, surpisingly, we got along famously.

She always made me laugh.

She always astounded me with her amazing memory of people, places, history, poetry, names, events, her life.

She lived on a very limited income, yet to her few choice friends, she was very very generous.

Her home was always immaculate...her fridge often nearly empty, reflecting her financial situation.

She adored chocolate, Barbara Cartland novels, and bumbleberry pie from Deseret Book Store in Idaho.

I have missed her over the years.

And, now I will miss her even more....

Margarita Ybarris Slade Emery - I know where you are and what you are doing; you are leading one amazing choir up in Heaven. You are ordering around the angels and demanding they eat their vegetables. And, you are making - the ones who understand you - have a good hearty laugh.

I will miss you, dear dear friend.

1 comment:

Nat said...

Deloris would have LOVED to read this! Cathy called to tell us that Sis. Emery had passed away. What a lady she was!

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