
Giving Thanks to a Mother-In-Law

Recently, a wonderful daughter-in-law told me how much she loved being married to our son.

I've thought so much about her comment, because it really made me think about my own perfect mother in law....

Did I ever tell her how much:???????

I love her son for being so neat?  He loves things tidy and organized and in place.  I'm kind of sloppy and he reminds me to eat over my plate, not spill food as I eat all over the kitchen, which he often maps and sweeps, etc.  He keeps his things where they belong.  I know that he got that from you, dear Dorothy.  Did I ever mention that to you?  I feat not.

I appreciated her for making and selling cookies so my husband, her son, could buy a cornet.  His music has blessed the lives of me and all of his children, who all share his musical talent and abilities.  The music he has created and continues to create, fills our home with joy and praise.  But, did I ever tell you thank you for making all those cookies, dear Dorothy....I fear not.

I love his commitment to the Gospel.  I know you were so strong in the faith all his growing up years....I still remember you ironing your temple clothes every single Friday for about 20 years, until you became so ill you couldn't go?  Allen learned at your home how significant the Gospel is in a person's life and I've been the recipient of his commitment all these years.  Did I ever mention that to you, dear Dorothy....I fear not.

His kindness has meant to me over the years?  He has been a good husband, not that we haven't argued, disagreed, fought, or been upset?  But, RAH has, by nature, his mother's gentleness, goodness, kindness.  That has meant a great deal to me, and I don't think I mentioned it....I fear I didn't.

I have appreciated her son for his work ethic.  He didn't always like his job, but he got up every morning to teach a class at 7 a.m. three days a week for 32 years.  The other two days a week, he had more reasonable hours, but there he was every day.  He corrected essays/papers for 32 years, and that is not easy...it gets just plain boring and incredibly monotonous and I don't think I ever mentioned it to her how grateful I was that he worked, moonlighted, rented an apartment, all to make the family stay afloat financially....I fear I neglected to mention that to her, and I am sorry.

It's amazing how one little comment can stir such thoughts and emotions, which my daughter-in-law's appreciative attitude did to me that day.

So, dear Dorothy Hackworth, if you have an IPad in heaven, I hope you read this and know that with all my heart, I'm grateful for the lessons you taught your son over the years.

You would be proud.

And, I am the grateful recipient




KRose said...

Oh man mom!!!! This is just awesome. Beautiful, spot on tribute. Thanks for sharing.

Ms. Fish said...

This is beautiful and so true!! All the people mentioned here: dad, Dorothy, Carisa, you-- are wonderful examples. Thank you for this reminder!!! Nice writing too.

Ms. Fish said...

Oh and I love love love that picture!!!!!!

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