

Which means I LOVE being with my brothers and their wives.
It's a laugh a minute and such a wonderfully fun adventure.

We did sealings in the Provo City Center Temple.  It's the first time we have all been in the temple together for a very long time, and it was a wonderful experience to share with my husband, siblings and spouses.
What a wonderful family; I'm so blessed!

This year Shauna got us tickets to the Scarlet Pimpernel; it just moved up into first place on my list of musical theatre.  I can't even begin to describe how delightful, fun, clever, witty this production was.  The costumes, the scenery and the singing were beyond compare!  Broadway couldn't do this any better!
Oh, what fun!

WE just go, go, go until we are all exhausted!

And, of course, there's always FOOD involved.

We had to stop at Sundance and get some Jackson Hole many flavors of soda.
And, of course, Cafe Rio.
I gained weight, in spite of my efforts to not do so.
But, it's always just so FUN!

Until next year, then, dear brothers......


To Brag or Not To Brag

I don't remember a lot of advise my dear mother gave me, but she often said it was not polite to brag about one's children.

For some reason, that stuck with me.

And, because she was my dear mother and I believed her, it has been very difficult for me to ever brag about our children.

I see that as a HUGE error.  And, I certainly don't blame my mother, who raised three of the most remarkable sons ever, but I think it is a mistake to say bragging is not appropriate.

I visit quite a few people in our neighborhood; they brag on their children - constantly, incessantly.

And, their children are wonderful, good people.

They know their parents are proud, as they should be.

Some over brag.  Some are hard to listen to.  But, bragging comes so naturally to them.

Sometimes, I think in the middle of a conversation - here's where I should say something about MY OWN CHILD.  Here's Where I should insert something really great about what my child or grandchild has done.

The words don't come out.  IF, it does, I immediately feel like I've done something horribly wrong.

IT's sort of crazy and a psychosis of sorts, I fear.

I love our children; I'm so proud of their achievements and their accomplishments.  I'm proud of the kind of people they have become; they are high achievers.  Good, Kind, Thoughtful, Hard-working.

I'm so proud of them.

Maybe some day, I'll be able to share that with others.

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...