
2018 - What a RIDE!

2018 was a year filled!

We finished our third mission, went thru the Panama Canal, went on a home exchange to Oregon, visited our kids in Virginia, saw our grandson in the lead in a play, had some challenging news, and we are still going strong.

I'm so grateful for our many blessings.  And, the year ended on an exceedingly high note with the wedding of Landon Fisher to Halsey Anderson of Eagle, Idaho:

It was a grand event, even tho it was freezing outside of the Meridian Temple.  She's a wonderful girl from a marvelous family and we couldn't be more pleased.

Jenni, as usual, pulled off a magnificent luncheon event that was staged and feted beautifully.  She pulled off a surprise for her dad when her family sang a song he had written for Halsey and Landon.  It truly was a perfect day.

And, a great way to end 2018.

Here's to 2019!


The GRAND part of Mothering!

It's a Saturday afternoon a couple of days before Christmas.  Evan is visiting from Houston, Texas.

Grandparents and Parents need a movie break.

In steps GIGI (Great Grandmother) to the rescue!

And, what a delightful rescue it was.

Evan is smart, happy, obedient, delightful, fun; just what a person would want in a child.

We had a great time together and I realized the true rewards of parenting are being a GRANDparent, or GREAT grandparent.

That's JOY, for sure.


The Lost Art of Gratitude

For several years, I visited Sylvia Seegmiller on a regular basis at her home.  When she went to the care facility, RAH and I visited her every Thursday on our way home from our mission at the LDS Employment Center.

She was so appreciative and always most grateful.

Some friends and I took her to the temple when she felt like going...always giving thanks when we were done.  RAH and I took her to her favorite root beer stand to get her a diet Pepsi with ice.  She loved it and was so grateful.

I saw in her something that is dying in the world around me.


Sometimes I visit a friend who is lonely; she never says thanks; I give little gifts to a couple who have no one around, they don't say anything; I have tended children and the parents seem to take it as a given; I make an effort to visit a lady who has problems, she takes it in her stride.

I don't expect big hooplas or bells clanging or fireworks, but a very simple THANK YOU would be so nice.

It always makes me wonder about myself in years past.

And, maybe, just maybe, I am getting in return what I dished out in the past.

If that is really the case, I will just say here.


My Parents,
My Family,
My Friends,
My Neighbors,
Anyone who has touched me in a positive way.



It's a Wrap!

I've done it several years.

It's a great gig and it's fun and it's service to the community.

I can't imagine the work that goes in to preparing this event.  This year, 650 families (children) will be gifted with wonderful items of shoes, pants, coats, and toys.  

This year, Allen joined me for the Kony Koins for Kids Wrapping Project.  It was fun!

Loretta and Mike joined in the fun this year.  I'm always amazed at the goodness and generosity of people; their time and their money.  So many good people in the world.


The SingAlong - 2018

Just the children sang Away in a Manger for us.  What beautiful voices they all have!
They were so willing to go along with this unrehearsed singing.

It has been several years since we had the traditional Christmas Sing A long, but RAH decided to do it this year.

So, he spent many hours preparing music on his new GENOS keyboard.

Last night, we invited a few neighbors and a couple of family members over to just sit around and SING the songs of the season.

It was wonderful and fun and eventful.

Music, friends, and family....a perfect COMBINATION to enjoy the season of LIGHT!


On Leaving the Church

Recently, a friend of mine confided in me that if she were ever to leave the church, it would be because of the temple commitment to follow the husband's counsel.

She told me that he does not make good decisions and he is very stingy with money.  She is always eager to share with her family and he does not go along with that.

It is a sore spot for them, and for her especially.

I think about that situation some times.

Would that be worth leaving the church for?  Absolutely NOT!

But, it is a dilemma indeed.

She told me she has done financial things in secret, but does not feel right about that at all.

So, what is she to do?  I have no answer, but this:


Surely a compromise could be worked out somehow.

AH, living with others is not always easy, but it's so much better than being alone!

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...