
What's In a Marriage?

Genetic traits for children, that's what!

And, whoever thinks to ask those kinds of questions when you are dating?!?!

"Is there any history of diabetes, cancer, arthritis, alcoholism, mental illness, shaky leg syndrome, tintinitis, dry eye syndrome, rough skin, knobby knees, vision problems, white skin that is more likely to burn than tan, or heaven forbid; cervical dystonia?"

Yesterday I had to see a specialist.  The very first thing she said to me, after hello, was, "How long have you had that shaky head?"

"A long time.  My mother had it, my grandmother had it."

"Yes," she countered.  "It's definitely an hereditary issue.  And, nothing to be done about, except do these exercises."

So, have I doomed my daughters to cervical dystonia?  (It apparently hits many more women than men!)

Would I have given birth to the two most wonderful women on the planet if I had known they were likely to get a shaky head?  Well, of course I would have.  It's a silly question, but it does make me wonder if it would good to know these things in advance, or just let them naturally come in the course of time.

"Hey, sweetie," I say to my ten year old daughter.  "Enjoy this time with your head holding still because in time, it's going to shake."

"Hey, Luther," I say to my 25 year old son dating Hidegard, "check out her mother's neck as you are talking to her.  If it is shaking, you have doomed your future daughters to head shaking also."

The truth is there are so many of these illnesses and conditions lying about in the genes, that none of us could ever marry if we looked into our inherited DNA.

So, dear daughters, just know that you might start shaking in the future, so just enjoy your youth now because someday a little Primary kid might just ask you, "Sister Hackworth, why does your head shake so much?"

Ah, darling, it's all in the DNA!


Grandkid Time Again

Must be the day for BLUE!

Our son, the photographer, took these photos of his kindergarten graduate and the high school graduate from next door.  Despite their vast age difference, these two are good buddies!  And, have been for about six years.  Love them both!

Oscar is heading off to college, so he got his first car.

Man, did I give him a lot of advice;

Keep it clean, keep the trunk clean, don't throw papers and stuff all over the back seat, keep the gas above half.  Be sure to always carry a flashlight in the car.  I haven't told him this yet, but I will.  And that is; keep some money hidden in the trunk or glove box for emergencies.

I should have followed my own advice over the years, but it's all good advice.

I love grandkids.


A Neighborhood

Many years ago, we lived next door to Glen and his wonderful family.  He had been raised in California as an only child.  When his parents were ready to move, after living in the same home for 25 years, they did NOT KNOW ONE NEIGHBOR.  They had no one to help them move.

Glen - in Idaho - got the name of the local bishop and called him, and of course, the people from the ward showed up to help Glen Sr. move.

I was thinking about that this morning after two events happened before 9:30 a.m.  

At 6:32, I got a text from Peggy, who lives around the corner, but is visiting in Idaho.  Her father had fallen while on his walk around the neighborhood.  Would I go over to see if her mother was doing okay and if her father was okay?  When I arrived about ten minutes later, Todd (bishopric member who found him bleeding on the sidewalk) was there with his wife, and Natalie, a nurse, who had happened to drive by.  She was checking his vitals, his medications, etc.  She thought he was fine, but encouraged him to go to the ER to be checked out.  

I came home, as there was nothing at that point that I could do, but will check back later.

Donna, a neighbor across the street, called me to check on him, and said she would go over later, as well.

Then, I had an appointment at the orthodontist.  I locked myself out of the car, but could not get RAH on his cell phone.  I called Mike and asked if he would go over and ask Allen to call me, which he did and I got taken care of.

Living in a neighborhood like I do is such a blessing.  People just help, and are so happy to do so.

Racheal is having serious cancer treatments, so every two weeks, the RS president sends an email where we can sign up to take meals to the family.  The list of dinner meals fills up so very quickly.....it's just so inspiring.  

We had a new guy move in, and I hardly know him, but I hope that is due more to Covid than to my own indifference.

Post script; later in the day, I went to visit Elaine, who had just gotten out of the hospital.  Tammy was there and Kim had also been there.  Just so many good and thoughtful neighbors in the hood.

I feel so very grateful the neighborhood that we live in.  It is such a blessing!


Covid Coverings

Head gear to stay healthy during Covid 2020.

This picture makes me smile even though it's a very serious event that causes her to wear this.


Why Doing Family History...

...is not always that fun!

This picture greeted me early this morning as I logged into family search.

YIKES....literally scared me to death.

Thankfully, she's not in my DIRECT line.



The Epiphany

"Why can't they just simply express a simple thank you?"

It was the question I was asking myself after we generously gave a large contribution to a family we knew who were struggling in this covid crises.

I was annoyed, angered, disappointed.  It had been three days and no word came.  We had reached out to them knowing of their struggles and yet...nothing....

All I wanted/expected was a simple, "Thank you.  That will help us very much."

I seethed as I sat there, and then my thoughts were interrupted by the teeniest, tiniest little spark of insight.

"Loni, how many times have I helped you?  
"How many times have I given to you?  
"How many times have I stepped in when you needed help?

"Did you always turn to give thanks to ME?
"Did you always and immediately express gratitude?
"Did you kneel in prayer and let ME know how grateful you were?"

There are no words to describe how humbled I was at that moment.

I hope that we hadn't GIVEN because we needed thanks.
I hope that we simply gave because there was a need and we wanted to help.

But, here was I.....judging... and practically DEMANDING THANKS, until I realized how many times GOD has given so generously to me and I haven't always been grateful immediately.

Those were a humbling few moments there.


And, I'm sorry I don't always turn to say THANK YOU.....

Because truly my heart is filled with an abundance of gratitude for your GIVING.

Post Script...the family did reach out to thank us, but I had learned a great lesson in the meantime.


The Wedding

My mother on her wedding day 29 October 1938 in Washington, DC.

I love this picture of my beautiful mother.  And, I wish that I could talk to her.

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...