Updated DNA ethnicity results.
I'm mostly SCOTTISH. oh, wow; news to me....
And, a little bit Norwegian and Swedish? No wonder I'm so white-skinned. HA HA.
Very interesting.
Or, as RAH says; "If this is RIGHT!"
Updated DNA ethnicity results.
I'm mostly SCOTTISH. oh, wow; news to me....
And, a little bit Norwegian and Swedish? No wonder I'm so white-skinned. HA HA.
Very interesting.
Or, as RAH says; "If this is RIGHT!"
Recently we were talking with our missionary grandson, which is allowed now apparently. His mission will be over on Dec 29....it's getting closer, for sure.
RAH asked him if he is getting trunky. He said he is a little, yes. I asked him if he wanted to go home before Christmas. He said that would be fine, but won't ask. And then he said something that just thrilled this grandmother's heart:
"I want to leave with NO REGRETS! I want to work hard right up to the time I leave!"
I was so very proud of him. For a variety of reasons, he is making us proud...but this attitude was so thrilling and significant.
So, Elder Hackworth, keep working hard, and you will ALWAYS be grateful for these words!
...makes me angry, frustrated, annoyed, sad.
And, it also makes me wonder how ungrateful I must have been as a child, teen, young adult.
I'm very frustrated right now with some family members. I'd like to shake their little fannies, and spank their little bottoms, and give them a resounding lecture.
But, I'll curb my annoyance and frustration; wait for a more opportune moment, and hope I can find a teaching moment to help them see how important GRATITUDE is.
So, let me just say right now how GRATEFUL I am for the many blessings that I have.
they next name is Zentangle.
Both Kristi and Loretta do it; they are both masters.
So, I decided to try it to get away from Amerigurumi. Wrong decision.
I can't do it either!!!!
Why do I even do it?
Just keep working on it, I guess.
In ten years, maybe I'll be 1/2 as good as Loretta because that's how long she has been doing it.
If at first, you don't succeed, try, try again!
Thy name is AMERIGURUMI....
Oh, it looked adorable.
Looked so cute when Andrew, my NEPHEW showed me one on face time. It looked so lovely when Linda showed me the ones she made for her grandchildren.
Well, I said to myself: I could do THAT!
So very WrOnG!
I could NOT do it! At least, not every well. And, I will NEVER
do it again. EVER.
No matter how darling the great grandchildren are!
I'm done!
Good-bye Frustration!
You'd think at our age, we would be past peer pressure.
Not so.
Our neighbor, Don Sjogren, has been a bad influence on RAH.
An expensive bad influence.
This is Don standing in ONE of his six storage sheds. Plus, he has a HUGE garage at his home.
He BUYS stuff. Lots of stuff. MANLY stuff. And TOOLS. Lots of tools.
That's where the bad influence comes in. RAH sees those tools. And he NEEDS those tools. WE've lived fine without them for over 50 years, but now, we absolutely NEED them. IMMEDIATELY!
The expensive brand kind.
So, we are becoming the owner of NEW, MUCH-NEEDED tools.
Lucky us.
Who knew that Peer Pressure could still be strong at almost 80 years of age?
Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym. It really thrilled me. I was so happy some Christian person i...