
Dear Modern Day Author

 ...you say you have a great story to tell.

You have some interesting unusual characters.

Your plot is intriguing and will be adored by many......


Because, you see, your language is not something I will ever get used to.

I grew up in a home where I never heard any swearing; well, maybe once from my angry mother's sweet voice.  But, it was so incredibly rare as to be nonexistent.  My friends and associates didn't swear; it was so unfathomable.

Enter the world of fiction.  In the early days of my reading, I rarely encountered swearing or taking the name of the Lord in vain, so I was not prepared for the onslaught of bad language that has occurred in the last few years.

And, the thing is, it's so completely unnecessary.  Dickens wrote popular long volumes, no swearing; Dumas wrote a great story, no swearing; Anthony Trollope, whom I just recently discovered, wrote LONG, TOO LONG books, but nary a bad word.  The characters and the plot line are intriguing, but there is nothing offensive in these classic works.

So, I know it can be done.  It's been done for many years in the past.

WHY do you feel you need that kind of language?  Oh, I know.  Your vocabulary is stinted and you can't figure out any way for the character to express his emotions other than in swearing.  That's it; YOU are not clever enough to find the words to deal with an uncomfortable situation, so you resort to bad language.  Or you write gruesome scenes that aren't necessary.  Some of Dickens' books have murders, but they are not written in elaborate gory details.

 I know I am in the vast minority, but I'll be glad to let your books go to others, and I'll stick to books that fit my parameters.  

(Absolutely great book - it will last longer than anything your write - AND it is devoid of bad language.)


Family Fun In a Time of Covid



We haven't seen this family since February.  You mean they live in New York, California, Texas, and it's so far away.  

No, I mean they live in PROVO, UTAH, but Covid has kept us apart and trying to be safe. 

 It's so fun when we can have fun and enjoy family.  Which we did.  

Thanks to our daughter and her husband for letting them stay in their home.  Keeping us at a safe distance in the night when we were all fast asleep.  RIGHT?!?!?!


Inspiring New Friends

 Camping Trip; Fish Lake Utah; end of Augustish.....

I was in the trailer getting ready for the morning, when RAH came over and said I needed to come meet some people he had just started talking to.

Meet Barry and Janet Reese from Elsinore, Utah.

We had a very pleasant visit and enjoyed their company so much.  RAH got Janet's email address; no phone numbers.  And they packed up and left.

When we got home a few days later, RAH sent her an email, but it came back!  WRONG address.

We were so disappointed because we had so enjoyed them.  They were bright, funny, interesting, etc. so to lose contact with them was a disappointment.

Last night, just as we sat down to watch a tv documentary about the Roosevelt family, came a knock at the door.  The sun was shining right in my face as a familiar voice said, "You don't even know who we are, do you?"  I really didn't.  Until I asked them to come in, so I could see them.  

There were Barry and Janet.  Their grandson had helped them find our address.  They have a lovely condo here in St George and were here for a few days.  We talked for quite awhile, and decided to meet for lunch.

After our lunch, as we sat talking, Barry went to the men's room.  A group of six missionaries came in the restaurant.  Janet said, "I'll bet Barry buys their lunch!"  And, indeed, he did.  When he came out of the restroom, he walked over to them and bought their lunch.  Someone might do that for a pair of missionaries, but for 6!  

It was so inspiring to me.  I loved it and our newly - made friends!

Barry is a convert to the church.  He pays for the missionaries whenever gets a chance.

People are so VERY GOOD and wonderful.  Hooray for good people in the world!



 Such an idyllic little spot in the road.

That's Pinto, even though the memorial plaque says it was once the cultural center of activity.

It doesn't look like that now, but it is quiet, lovely and pleasant to visit with friends.


Question of the Week; Unanswerable

 I'm wondering...

Are some people just born with bad luck?

Whether from bad decisions and choices, or choices of others, or nothing related to what they have done, or whatever.  It just seems that some people have harder lives than others.  More sorrow.

What I'm talking about doesn't always or necessarily relate to the Gospel - it relates to THEM and their personal lives.  

Take DB; her life is a sorrow filled life over and over again.  She has had some very difficult and trying things happen to her.  Sometimes her heartaches are so heavy and burdensome.  I never know how to help her, but I want to.  DB is a good, good person; she is kind, thoughtful, giving, hard-working, generous, etc.

On the total other spectrum is KMA.  Her life is the opposite of what I have described above.  Her life is fulfilling, happy, great family, great marriage, great kids, JOYFUL.  If she has challenges, she bounces right through them.  But, in reality, she doesn't have great challenges like DB.

So, it makes me wonder; are some people - right from the beginning - set up for more sorrow, more hardship, more suffering than others?

And, HOW, other than fervent prayer can we really HELP?  I listen, I ache, I hurt, I sorrow, and I try to turn it over to My Saviour.  

I love the scripture in Revelation and yearn for it to come to pass; no more sorrow, no more tears.

That is my wish for all, especially the ones with many sorrows in their lives.


Good Times!

 It's been a strange 2020.....

We've had to stay inside for two reasons:

COVID-19, a horrible and highly contagious disease. 


THE HEAT..... there were about 80 days in a row of triple digit temperatures.  That's brutal.

So, it was great to go on a get-away with Mike and Loretta for a few days...great conversation, food, and FUN playing RummiKub, and a little bit of crochet.  Didn't get any zentangle in on this trip..next time.

We did, indeed have a great time and I'm so thankful for good friends and time to enjoy the great outdoors..

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...