
A January Challenge....

I saw it online.  And, I KNEW I NEEDED it.

A challenge to do something every day to declutter and get organized.  What a great plan and Idea.

So, I found a 30 day challenge online that seemed to fit my needs and attacked it with vigor.  Some days were really challenge;

THE FRIDGE!  YIKES!  THE MEDICINE Cabinet: YIKES!  My OFFICE!  YIKES!  But, worst of all: THE SPICE CUPBOARD!  I knew that would be a bugger, so maybe that's why I saved it for the end.  Actually, I saved it for the end because I was waiting for a shelf thingie to come.  It came in the nick of time.  So, today on January 30th, in the pretty early hours, I went for the spices.

I did what they say to do: TAKE EVERYTHING OUT!

That's just a bit intimidating to have all those spices out on the counter lolligagging around.

Then I began putting them back in place.

I finished.  But, then RAH said it wouldn't do and since he does MOST of the meal prep, he should get to fix it the way he wants.  And, he certainly improved it.

Here's the before and after results:


Now, let's see the after, which Allen helped immensely with:

Alpha-betized, of course from the former librarian,and the most used spices front and center; lesser spices in the back, but still visible if need be?

The trick is, how long with it stay this way?  Allen put the ones he uses in the front; all the duplicates and rarely used spices are on the top shelf in the back, but he can see thru the little holes to see what is in there.  So much better than before; I give it a month....

Then, here's the office before and after:

And, once again, here's the question; how long will it stay this way?  Maybe this might last longer; I give it two months....but, oh man, it's so good to have things organized.  If only all my home were like this.  

But, in the January challenge, I did get a few things cleaned out.  

HA HA HA.  RAH asked, "Where did you put all the stuff?"  And, that, is where I have to tell the truth, "Well, some of it I just moved to another place in the house!"  Ha ha...all organized, of course.



HA HA! Great Exchange Between......

 ...my niece, Tiffany Gee Lewis and MOI!

She reads mountains of books every year, in addition to the myriad of other things she does, so I had a question for her:

Here is our exchange....

She made me laugh....Great answer, Tiffany, queen of books, so I guess I will carry on!


Arizona FUN!

 Time to get out and have a little adventure.

Time to get the travel trailer hooked up and ready to go with friends.

So, Arizona was our destination.  Which is ludicrous because Arizona is the #1 hotspot for Covid-19.

But, armed with our masks we set out to have some fun.

Parking spot; Quartzite, Arizona, home in January to America's large trailer show and largest swap meet of JUNK, or if you need it, very important STUFF.

Tables and tents and rows and rows of stuff abound in this once-a year show.  My parents - especially my mother - used to love to come here and shop.  It was too overwhelming for me.  

There are over 50 RV trailer parks in and around Quartzite, but MANY people just boondock...no water, sewer or electricity.  There are hundreds of trailers all around this little town that has about 1000 year-round residents, but swells to literally THOUSANDS in the month of January and a little beyond.

On to  Lave Havasu and the famous London Bridge.  Amazing how they took it apart and put it back together again in America!  Whatever, right!

Lake Havasu was lovely along the lake.  It's a desert, but the waterside was so beautiful.

We always have fun traveling with these friends: Mike and Loretta Allam, Don and Lisa Sjogren.
We had a bit of a scare when Mike thought he had lost both of his hearing aids.  He found them at the end of the day back in his trailer.  WHEW!

It was a memorable five days and I'm ready for more adventures.  I hope we can get our shots soon, however before we head out again.



 ...who have no family or have cut all their family ties?

To me, family is the most important EVER, so I cannot even imagine not having a family, whether they are near or far away.

FAMILY is so important to me.

As it is to GOD.  I'm so thankful for the sealing power which allows us to be with our families through eternity.  So, I better shape up and behave, so I can be with my family.

Her's Jenni and Brent's beautiful family over the Christmas holidays in Duck Creek, Utah?  

Jenni made these adorable beanies for everyone in the family with colors specifically for those people.
So, here's Lisa; Megan; Halsey, who just announced she's pregnant;
and Janessa, who got engaged on this trip....getting married in February.

Adorable hats, beautiful young women!

And, here's the whole plaid family!  
I just now realized that BEAR, the dog, didn't get a beanie!

Aren't they just THE BEST?!


I Am in a State of Shock!

 Horrifying, unbelievable, disgusting, and a host of other negative phrases describe what happened in our beloved country yesterday, as hundreds of protestors to the election of Biden, stormed the Capitol.  They did acts of maliciousness and destruction.  One person was killed by capital police; three others died, perhaps from underlying health conditions.

Capitol secured after assault from Trump supporters

Trump Told Crowd ‘You Will Never Take Back Our Country With Weakness’

As Congress prepared to certify the victory of his successor, President Trump railed against the election and helped set in motion hours of violence.

And, I blame our egotistical, narcissistic, maniacal president.  Wherever he goes, he incites riotous behaviours, which he never condemns, rather encourages it.

He has sown more hate in his four years than any other American leader in the history of our country.


I will always be proud of the fact that I did not vote for him in either election, even though I generally vote Republican.  

Hopefully, life after a new president will be more peaceful.  I'm not for Biden, but I am for stability and calm after a tumultuous four years.  

And, I will pray for healing in our beloved country.  I love America.  And, hope this was only a hiccup in its long glorious history.


Way to Start the New Year Just RIGHT!


Doing my very favorite thing:

READING a book to Evan and Olivia; great grandchildren. 

Oh, they are so adorable and sweet.  But, they live in Texas, so this event hardly ever happens.  

I'll take it when I can!

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...