

 ...who have no family or have cut all their family ties?

To me, family is the most important EVER, so I cannot even imagine not having a family, whether they are near or far away.

FAMILY is so important to me.

As it is to GOD.  I'm so thankful for the sealing power which allows us to be with our families through eternity.  So, I better shape up and behave, so I can be with my family.

Her's Jenni and Brent's beautiful family over the Christmas holidays in Duck Creek, Utah?  

Jenni made these adorable beanies for everyone in the family with colors specifically for those people.
So, here's Lisa; Megan; Halsey, who just announced she's pregnant;
and Janessa, who got engaged on this trip....getting married in February.

Adorable hats, beautiful young women!

And, here's the whole plaid family!  
I just now realized that BEAR, the dog, didn't get a beanie!

Aren't they just THE BEST?!

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A Different Kind of Joy Today....

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