
I LOVE....

 ..having our daughter come to visit.

She lives in Virginia, works hard as a doctor in two venues, has a husband, 2 step kids (one at home, one away), and is just busy with her life.  And, then there is COVID!  But, she came west to support her sister and her niece at the wedding in Colorado, then came to visit us.

WE LOVE TO HAVE HER.  She's so great in every way.  Yesterday, she cooked a fantastic, healthy meal that left me wanting MORE!   She really believes in eating healthy foods, and she works hard at it.  


She's so pretty!  And GOOD, and KIND, and THOUGHTFUL, and WONDERFUL.

How did we get so lucky?




It was MAGICAL and better than she could have imagined.

Oh, dear Brent and Jenni, you know how to throw a party!

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Hadobas!



 She's getting married today.

But, we are not there.

So, that's VERY SAD.  

WHY are we not there?  25 people are there  - and maybe ONE of them has Covid and doesn't even know it.  We are so CLOSE, RAH keeps saying, and soon, I can go back to the gym, get my hair cut, eat out with friends.

BUT, SOON didn't cut it for this event.  So, I'll post pictures, be happy for her, and rejoice in her great JOY today.

And, I'll be grateful that RAH and I don't have Covid.....


We Never Seem to OUTGROW....

 ..our need for recognition and approbation of our accomplishments, hobbies, jobs around the house, etc.

For example RAH is always wanting to show me at the end of the day how he fixed the sprinkler lines, his little tweaks to our camper, his plants, his trimming of trees, planting of flowers, etc.  Additionally, he loves me to come in and listen as he creates his magic with music.

In general, I think we are all like that...we need acknowledgment that what we do matters.

I am certainly no different.  I am always showing my latest Zentangle creations to RAH, and he says something positive, in general, or gives a suggestion for improvement.

I'm such a beginner and a novice that my attempts are so bumbling, but I ENJOY these drawings.  Here are a couple I recently did:

These are just practice pictures that I do with Melinda Barlow on Youtube.  They are totally practice and you can see I need a lot of work!

I've made little notes around these pictures to remind myself of things to do or not do next time.  

Thanks, Loretta Allam, for the inspiration over these last few months.


Fun With the Ladies

 Ceramics time in St George.

I wish I had pictures of the four finished projects, but let me just say, it was lots of fun.

Expensive, but fun.

Loni, Sheryl, Lisa Sjogren at the local ceramic store.  It felt good to get out and DO SoMETHING!

Little jewelry holder, or whatever.  I'll be giving it to Janessa for a wedding gift.  Inside will be a lovely pearl bracelet from China.  And, a gift certificate.

It was relaxing and fun, Masks were included, of course.


A Sugar Free - (More or Less) Diet

 Like everyone else on January 1, I decided to change a few of my habits.  

I am badly addicted to sugar; well, not just plain sugar, of course.  But, the things that one would find loads of sugar in: cookies, candy, crackers, more candy, etc.

So, I made an odd commitment.  To only have sugar on Saturday.  

The thing about this is that during the week, I still have sugar which is found in nearly EVERYTHING.  I just saw a joke about ketchup being just a hiding place for lots of sugar.  I eat granola; which already has sugar or honey in it. I eat a lot of fruit; loaded with sugar, especially my favorite, which is dates.  I have a banana every day and they are high in sugar content.  Apples, not so much, but prunes, oranges, etc. are filled with sugar.  Breads, crackers, have sugar.  So, to say I'm not eating sugar is really a misnomer.

But, on Saturday, I eat a treat; a real sugar treat.  Last Saturday, I ate a little bit of a candy bar.  Man, it tasted so good.  So, now it's Monday, which is a long way until Saturday. 

 Like so many new changes in habits, I'll see how long this lasts.  Maybe another month, who knows?

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...