
Hero Mother

 She'll be moving in 17 days.  I still cannot quite believe it.

This is an outdated picture;  one more little girl has been added to the Ivey family.

It just seemed like they would be here forever; like we will be.  But, Roger got a new job in Pocatello, Idaho.  So they will move.

Andrea is from Rexburg, so we knew her parents and her grandparents.  When they moved in behind us, I immediately loved Andrea.  We have been neighbors for many years, we served in the Primary presidency together.  

The thing about Andrea is that she is ALWAYS smiling.  It's just a natural part of her beauty.  Even when she has had some extreme challenges, she smiles through them.  Her faith is a big part of her beauty.  She is very committed to the Come Follow Me program and leads her children each morning through the week's lessons.

Andrea has birthed 8 children of her own; 3 with her first husband, who was part Hawaiin, and 5 with Roger.  Roger had five from his first marriage, so it's a big clan.  

But, as I say, she smiles through it.  Now, she is in the midst of trying to sell her home, and she smiles through that.  Because she has FAITH....and such a pleasant cheery disposition and attitude.


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Best Family Ever!

  Latest Zoom call.  I love these great people.  Good, good GOOD.  How did I get so blessed?!?!?!