
I Did Something I Have Never Done!

 I donated to the Catholic thrift store instead of my usual Deseret Industries.

But, there is a reason I did it.

DI is clear on the other side of town.  I drove over there earlier in the week and the drop off doesn't open until noon.  It was 9:00 a.m.

Left the clothes in the car thinking I would take them after Zumba, which ends at 11:00 a.m. As I drove out of the parking lot, there was the Catholic charity shop right across the street and it was open.  I still had one hour before the DI would open, so I thought, why not?  They are both doing the exact same thing....helping people out with used items of worth.

Once I was inside, it's obvious that they don't have the resources and the man power that DI has, but there were some very cheery and helpful ladies sorting and putting things out to show.  It was sweet, I thought.

So, that is what I did that I had never done before.  Probably won't do it again, but we are together for the same cause.


January Happenings


Sons of the Utah Pioneer Dinner; I was overwhelmed with gratitude as we listened to the passer tell about the construction going on at the St George Temple.  I had such a sense of the pioneers strength, courage, and faith as they built this temple in the desert.  It was a marvelous evening.

Here we are - stuck right in the middle of traffic after Mike's new/used pickup wouldn't start or move or turn on or shift gears, etc.  It was quite the adventure, which it always seems to be when we go with the Allams.  we made it thru just fine, however, and soon we were comfortable sitting in a restaurant enjoying lunch and chuckling over the events.

On Monday morning, RAH got up and decided to melt the honey in one of our HUGE white plastic storage containers.  This was honey from Fred Calder's bees which we would have purchased MANY years ago.  Hooray for Allen for preserving this and making the honey accessible to eat.

Loretta wanted to know what to wear to the Sons of The Utah Pioneer Dinner, so I took a picture of what I was wearing.  She told me when she got in the car wearing a pair of black slacks that this was the first time she ha down slacks since moving to St George.  Made me laugh.

So, here we are - halfway thru January and just being grateful for our MANY blessings.


Another Friend...

 Just lost her spouse.

It made me so very sad to learn of his death.  

While visiting a friend who told me about the death, she said, "You have a husband.  He may annoy you at times, but BE SO GLAD that you have a husband.  YOU have someone to go home to; to talk to; to discuss matters with; to share memorable moments; to just be TOGETHER."

I feel this so intently.  And, I'm so grateful for a good husband.  I don't want to ever forget how significant it is to have this relationship.


Learning From the Best


Loretta teaches us Zentangle on Wednesday mornings.  It's so inspiring and fun.  I'm learning a lot and love to do it...

And, of course, it's such a great thing to send to someone to say, THANK YOU, or HAPPY BIRTHDAY or YOU ARE THE STAR!  Which is what I will say on this card when I send it.  


Arizona Adventures During the Christmas Holiday!


They look just fine, right?!?!!

But, as Allen walked thru the temple, he left a trail of little white foam everywhere he went.  He was very embarrassed!  Il laughed when I heard about it....no disrespect intended!

Margo, Allen and I went thru a session in the newly rededicated Mesa Temple.  It was very lovely.

It was so fun to see our good friends from Rexburg, Idaho.  We spent an afternoon with them AND sat by them in church.  They are just good, good people...the FINEST!

Allen and I met with Bobbi Anderson, Don Sjogren's oldest sister.  She is absolutely DEEElightful!

On one of the few sunny days when we got to enjoy the pool  ....oh, it was awesome.  The water was heated!  But, then, it rained ....and rained....and rained.  Who can complain, however, when we so badly need the moisture?

We got claustrophobic, so we came home early.  But, all in all, it was great!

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...