
We've arrived!

The grand adventure has begun! And, here we are in the middle of "The Greatest City in the World," (according to the Late Show with David Letterman).

Have you ever wanted to do something, but it seemed too crazy to really happen? Well, thanks to Allen and the Internet, (maybe I should be thanking Al Gore instead), we are in an apartment in Chelsea, (Manhattan) New York for three weeks. The owners of this aparment are driving our car somewhere out West and will eventually end up at our lovely home in St. George, Utah.

Here's what I've learned so far: Himalayan food is not my favorite; it's very cold already in Frisco, Colorado; I didn't pack the 'right stuff'; and there's lots to do with so little time to do it.

We'll keep you posted!


Ms. Fish said...

So what car are you driving?

I am so excited you are going to blog your adventure. I love your reports!

Glad you arrived safely.

KRose said...

what is "the right stuff". see you soon!!!!!

Best Family Ever!

  Latest Zoom call.  I love these great people.  Good, good GOOD.  How did I get so blessed?!?!?!