
Hands and Arms

Arms.....what can you do with a pair of arms?

Hands...what can you do with a hand or a pair of hands?

So many things; it's just hard to imagine life without those marvelous, useful appendages.

And, yet, today, in a restaurant when I saw a beautiful young lady, with no hands or arms, I gave thanks indeed for something that I don't really think of much....my two working hands and arms.

What a blessing to have hands and arms!


Gratitude Attitude from Grandkids

Hey, Bridger, Oscar, and Sayre are visiting from San Diego, California with their awesome dad, Jeremy!

We have a tradition that the boys tell me a few things they are grateful for.

So, here's their list for June, 2009:

OSCAR (age 7): I'm thankful for family and friends, the world, people, God, Jesus, water, food, my life, games, house, clothes, cars, stores, books, my body, my cousins, my heart

SAYRE (age 3): toys, cars

BRIDGER (age 10): I'm thankful for books, video games, my family and friends, food, America, water, sports, cars, animals, plants, air

Well, I'm grateful for them!


Favorite Picture Day

I just saw this picture on Jordan's Flickr page: Don't you just want to make it all better for darling Anna?

It made me smile and it made me eager to go see those adorable grandchildren in Virginia...just a few more days and Jenni and I are headed East!


Books Recently Read

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While journeying in faraway lands, I had time to read.
I don't want to forget what I read recently, so here's a list of books read in the last three months: (I keep a journal -when I remember to do so) of books that I have read, but it's much easier to type it than write it:
Doctrine and Covenants _ almost finished and will read again to finish the year.
Sense & Sensibility - by Jane Austen
Persuasion - by Jane Austen
Rumpole Rests His Case - by John Mortimer (probably some of my all-time favorite books are Rumpole books; they make me smile and laugh out loud...he's delightful!)
Our Mutual Friend - by Charles Dickens (not my favorite book by Dickens, but I love Dickens)
As you can see, when I was in England, I was really into Brit Lit!
The Associate - John Grisham (disappointing)
The Appeal - John Grisham (2nd time read; makes me wonder if politics and political races are really like this. An astonishing book.)
Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid - by Bill Bryson (2nd time read; laugh out loud book)

The Outliers - Malcom Gladwell (an absolutely fascinating and MUST READ book..thanks Jeremy and Justin, for this recommendation.)
Three Cups of Tea - by Greg Mortensen - which I am just finishing...wow..one person can, indeed, make a tremendous difference!
On the horizon:

Seven Daughters and Seven Sons
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

Mr. Monk is Miserable
May I just add here: hurray for libraries and books and a Kindle!


War in Afghanistan

Did you know?
There are 2 wars in Afghanistan?

OEF: Operation Enduring Freedom which has 28,300 American soldiers; soon to be 28,301 when Jeremy arrives in less than one month.

ISAF: International Security Assistance Force which has 23,000 American soldiers and a total of 55,100 troops from 41 countries.
Did you know?
The main reason for fighting this war is to capture Osama Bin Laden?
Did you know?
The US is building a permanent base (possibly 2) in Afghanistan? Besides Osama Bin Laden, concerns are the Taliban and the growing drug traffic.
Did you know?
Aside from the fact that I have a son headed to Afghanistan, I do not understand why we are fighting this war. Lives lost or ruined, so much money spent that we cannot comprehend; I don't really understand it.

Perhaps I don't see the full picture, but I think we are past the point where America can afford to police the world.
But, having said that, I support and give honor and respect to those incredible young men and women who risk their lives to fight this seemingly unwinnable war.

A T F I W I A!


Happy Birthday, dear Kristi D!

Strong, independent, smart, kind, thoughtful, generous, hard-working, thrifty, remarkable. That's our Kristi...happy day, dear dear Kristi D!


Three Months to Have Fun!

Summer Vacation Time!

But, if you're five, it's always vacation time...until school starts the fall you are five.

We have 3 five-year olds starting school this fall, so Eli, Lucy, Imogen, enjoy this summer. Because once you start school, it's a mighty long road...

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...