
Dave Barry Gets It Right On!

From Dave Barry's Page-A-Day Calendar:

"Subtle But Annoying Air-Conditioning Rattle is required by law to be in all hotel rooms as a safety precaution against the danger that a guest might carelessly fall asleep."

So true. And, Dave Barry can probably afford to stay in motel rooms that are a lot more expensive than rooms I can afford to stay in.
So, is Dave saying that even in expensive rooms the air-conditioner is still rattling away?
I was hoping that when I was rich and famous, I could at least stay in a room w/o the dreaded ac/rattling feature!


Grandkids are Grand!

Here they are:
Miles -3, Imogen -5, Janessa -17(almost), Sayre -3,
Anna -4, Landon - 15, Stockton - 15, Lucy- 5,
Bridger -10, Sean -19, Oscar -7, Eli -5,
Oliver -10

Out of the Mouths of Kids:

Eli to Loni - "My other grandmother is old too!"

Lucy to Loni - "Why is your skin so moldy?"

Sayre to Loni as he came through the door after being away for a month - "I missed you again!"

Sean to Loni - "That problem is really quite simple to solve, grandma."

Imogen to Loni in note - "I love you!"

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Torrid Love Affair

Torrid - 1. Very hot and dry.

Which describes St. George right about now.

And, I love it (not necessarily the heat, but St. George.) Thanks, Allen, for letting us move here!

Favorite Picture Day

I just saw this picture again; it made me smile and laugh!

I LOVELOVELOVE our grandkids...all different, all wonderful and unique in their own way.

This is Lucy, daughter of Jordan and Andrea, and she lives in Charlottesville, Virginia.
She's showing off her Princess shoes...and apparently she's in time out (according to the caption)....how could someone this adorable have done anything wrong?
BTW, Lucy, Eli, and Imogen all start kindergarten this fall....lucky teachers!


Favorite Picture Day (Not Really)

If you, like me, sometimes question why we are in Afghanistan, here's some insight that really helped me understand why it's important to be there.

I recently finished reading Three Cups of Tea and would highly recommend it. It is inspiring to the max and shows the impact one person and his dream can have.


Attitude of Grattitude

I'm always finding new things to be grateful for:

Today's insight comes from a new dentist. My former dentist was not available today.

New dentist was trying to get acquainted (with my teeth, mostly) and he asked about my wisdom teeth.

I've never had any, I responded. (But, that also means I've never had much wisdom!)

Consider yourself very very fortunate, he replied. (He actually said it about 3 times in 3 different ways.)

I'd never really given much thought to not having wisdom teeth, but hearing other people talk about the painful removal of such things, I realized what a great thing to be thankful for:

So, thanks be to heaven for my mouth not growing wisdom teeth.

And, to compensate for my lack of wisdom, I'll study the Doctrine and Covenants harder tonight.


We'll go where you want us to go; even if it's youth conference

What are you doing July 9 - 11, the bishopric member asked.

What I should have said was: having my toenails painted, weeding my artificial plants, or even perhaps practicing my Yoga meditation.

What I DID say was...we don't really have anything planned. Wrong Answer!

And, so it was, that Allen and I were asked to be chaperons for the Little Valley Stake Youth Conference.

Don't get me wrong...I think youth conferences are fantastic....just not for this NO LONGER YOUTH person!

It was an amazing event; it was the most organized awesome youth conference I can imagine. Jon and Joni Prince and their committees did an incredible job; it was just phenomenal.

Very generous cabin owners allowed the kids and leaders the use of their cabins at Brian Head.

Here's what the youth did over two and a half days:

Service projects in the city of Parowan (clean cemeteries, lay sod, paint library furniture, etc.); played games including a gigantic whip cream fight ending with being sprayed down by the fire truck; face painting; concert by Sam Payne; five mile hike (up and back) to Brian Head Peak; workshops; dance that was just fun, fun, fun; lots of good, good food; testimony meeting; pizza party.

And the best part was; the kids had a fantastic time and felt the spirit;
that's what really matters.

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Primary Points

The lesson:

Missionary work.

The statement:

When you are nineteen, you'll be a missionary!

The response: (in a defiant tone!)

I'm not going to be a missionary...I'm going to be a tractor driver!

Oh, I love the honesty of Primary 4 year olds!

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Lt. Commander Hackworth Reports for Duty

What do San Antonio, Texas; San Diego, California; and Seattle, Washington have in common? They are all places where Dr. Jeremy will be trained in how to help soldiers injured in war....

So, after his 6 weeks of training, he will know exactly what to do!

And, we know exactly what to do also....pray, pray, pray.

Not only for Jeremy, but for all the men and women who serve around the world.


Doesn't Get Much Better Than This!

From bottom to top:

Jordan and Kristi sing all about West Virginia; wow, how fun to hear them sing together, and now they can do it nightly for one year as they only live through the woods from each other!

WOW, look at that incredible 4th of July cake; make by Janna Armstrong; devoured by Jordan, Janna, Loni, Jenni, Kristi, Anna, Lucy, Oli, and Immie!

Big jumbotron from the Capitol Concert Dress Rehearsal on the 3rd of July.

Kristi was so tired on our first (and only) night in DC after walking around for two and a half hours looking for the hamburger stand Jordan recommended, that she actually slept the entire night in her glasses; boy she just conked right out!
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A Capitol Fourth (or really 3rd)

What's more American than being in Washington, DC for the 3rd of July?

Here are just a few pictures of our 3rd of July

On July 3rd, Kristi, Jenni and I were walking around the Washington DC Mall and happened to come upon some music...wondering what it was, we walked around a barricade and it was the dress rehearsal for the big concert on the steps and lawn of the Capitol!

What can I say; it was awesome...

Barry Manilow - wow, that guy can sing...loved Copacabana
Aretha Franklin in her Mickey Mouse tee shirt...we loved that; no make-up, no fancy dress, just great music

Big Bird and Pals ( the crowd loved this!)

Natalie Bedingfield (never heard of her)

and the cast from the Jersey Boys....awesome, awesome, awesome.

And, of course, an incredible orchestra.

What a great fantastic crowd and event. People around us told us we were so lucky to come to the dress rehearsal as it wasn't very crowded compared to the actual event.....HA!HA!

The weather was perfect....it was not scorching as we had thought.
What a great day to share with my fabulous daughters!
(dad, I thought of you almost the entire concert...
sitting there enjoying it was just for you...you taught me to love and appreciate America!)

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...