
End of an Era

It's been a long and wonderful relationship.

But today, it ended.

Farewell, television

 I can still remember when I was about 10 – my mother, brother, and I had been shopping when - driving in the driveway - we saw a strange glow coming through the front room window – we dashed in to see our father calmly watching a brand new television...we thought we were so cool. Every day after school my brother and I would rush home, do our home-work, and turn on the television – waiting for 5:00 to come. We would sit transfixed at the “TEST PATTERN.”

For most of those years since that time, I've had a television pretty close by(except for the year we decided to turn it off as an experiment when our kids were younger....the experiment failed and we turned it back on!)

But, now, there is no turning back...we disconnected our service.

We are drifting into new territory. We will now talk to each other after dinner.

“Hello...how are you...how was your day?”

“Fine, thank you, and yours?”

“Well you should know, you were right here with me all day!”

No more Shark Tank! I miss it already. No more Masterpiece Mystery or any of the BBC programs. No more KSL news at noon. No more NOTHING.

And, I am left to wonder, did we make a mistake? Will we be sorry? Will we spend that money saved wisely or squander it on trivial things like fruits and vegetables (they are pretty pricey right now!) Will we wonder what to do when we usually settled down to watch the evening news? Will I get up at 3 a.m. and be sorry that I can't watch infomercials! Will any of our grandchildren ever come visit us any more? When people's conversations are all about recent television and news stories, will I feel left out – “I had no idea that Texas ceded from the Union?!?!??!?!??!”

Well, too late. It's done.

And, I'm already feeling like something is missing...oh, yes, it's time for the six o'clock news....


Recognizing My Blessings

It was an epiphany while sitting at a red light...

I was overwhelmed with gratitude for the blessings I have received in the last few months...

And, I must write about how grateful I am.

Sean is getting married to a wonderful girl from Texas.  She is beautiful and she's very strong in the Gospel.

Kristi is marrying someone who is her equal in goodness, thoughtfulness, generosity, caring for others, kindness.  It is such a blessing after all the hard things she has been through.

The twins are serving honorably - even though it is a challenge - they are working hard and growing in the Gospel.

We had a new little baby boy - born healthy and beautiful.

O and S were able to get baptized.  B & O were able to get the Priesthood.  C & J went through the temple.  These are true miracles.

And, lastly, but not last in how grateful I am.


It has been a year and a half; so many prayers, pleadings to Heaven, fastings, name on temple rolls.

I am feeling very very blessed.

Thank you, dear Heavenly Father, for these incredible blessings.  YOU are good.

And, yes, I do believe in Prayer.

Giving Up the Good Stuff




Oh, it's hard.

And, I'm not really that totally committed.

I will now be a vegetarian of convenience.

As for chips, now that is really tuff.  I have chips every single day!  Almost every meal.  I LOVE Lay's potato chips.  They are a staple in my life.

And, chocolate; that's my main food group.  How can I truly give that up?

Who cares if I eat the good stuff?

It's not like I'm 30 and need to eat healthy for any future children.

Ah, this healthy eating...

It's the PITS!


On Having Daughters

I had three brothers; they are marvelous and wonderful and fun.

But, I always yearned for a S.I.S.T.E.R.

I have wonderful Sisters-in-law, for sure, but there's just something about a S.I.S.T.ER.

So, when my oldest daughter was born and then two boys, I wanted so badly for her to have a S.I.S.T.E.R.

When our fourth child was expected, I wanted it to be a girl so badly.

And, it was.

Jennifer had a S.I.S.T.E.R.!

I love our three sons; I'm proud of them.  They are good, honorable, and delightful to be around.

But, one of my greatest joys is to see my two adult daughters be together.

They are similar;

They are both:

Great cooks,
and so very good to MOI.
Both love the outdoors,
Both are in the medical profession...both have exceedingly challenging jobs.
Both have faced very challenging situations in their lives - and both have met those challenges head-on with strength of character.

But, they are very different also.

One has chosen a religious path...one not so much.

One has been married for about 28 years and has four marvelous children.

One is getting married and will be a step-parent to two children.

One is politically conservative; one more liberal.

One borders on vegetarianism; the other not really.

One has larger fingernails, one smaller fingernails....(ha, that's just a silly funky difference.)

When I count my blessings, which I try to do often; I consider having two daughters one of the greatest of my blessings.  I give thanks often for those wonderful daughters/friends/companions.

And, I will be forever grateful for J & K.

They bless my life immeasurably.....

How did I get so blessed?


Getting Priorities Straight!

Every spring he is out planting vegetables, trees, flowers.

Every spring we spend pots of money on seeds, annual flowers, bushes, trees, fertilizer, tools, lawn and garden "stuff."

Every year there are lovely flower beds, pots filled with colorful flowers.  He spends many, many hours out in the sun working hard - sometimes for most of the day.


This year there are no new flowers, no vegetable garden, no new bushes or trees to replace the ones that died over a harsh winter.



RAH is living his dream.

His fishing dream.

It involves:

a 12 foot fishing boat,

a new/used 22 ft trailer,

a well-used pick-up,

and a KOA campground in Northern Utah.

It involves:

Flaming Gorge

 and his dream of "catching the big ones!"

The Kokanee Salmon.

I'm happy for him.  I want him to be successful.  I want him to enjoy every minute.

I'll join him there later this summer, but

most of all, I'm hoping his dream lives up to the dream in his imagination.

Enjoy, RAH!


How to Be Happy

...be productive....

...serve others....

...keep the commandments....

..spend less than you earn.....


...be grateful.....

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...