
I Believe in Evolution

In 2010, RAH and I bought our first IPad.  We used it a lot in China and it was quite a novelty.

When we returned from China, I used it in church as my set of scriptures.

Except for a few men on their phones, people in general weren't using technology to read their scriptures..

Last summer, we went to church in a little town in Utah - Manilla.  It's very small, quaint, farming, rural - and filled with marvelous, good people.  We enjoyed it.

BUT, and here's my point - MANY of the women were using electronic devices for their scriptures and manuals.  MANY of the women were older, like I am, and here they were navigating through this electronic phenomenon.

In three short years, much had changed, and, I loved seeing that evolution.

Long live the elderly and technology!

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