
It's a Conundrum!

Eat meat and fat - all you want.  NO carbs including whole wheat and high sugar fruits. Veggies are not necessary at all.  (author #2)

Eat only whole foods; mostly vegetables, no meat, whole wheat products.  (author #1)

NO SUGAR (authors 1 & 2)

What's a person to do?

Eat whatever I dang well please at this point in my life.

I just decided that yesterday, so, yes, I went ahead and had a piece of meatloaf at Allen's favorite place to eat: GC.

Okay, that's settled then.

(Too bad I'm still struggling with my weight!  Constant battle!  I thought by this time in my life, it wouldn't really matter what I ate, but alas and alack; tis just not true.)

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