
Ringing in the Year

We don't usually stay up to welcome the New Year.

But, Last Night, we were up at Midnight.

Gave a kiss, looked at the neighbor's fireworks briefly, then turned out the lights to say

GOOD-BYE to 2014; Hello 2015.

However, earlier in the evening, we spent a memorable, delightful time with

Garn & Dorothy.

They are such dear, dear friends.  Sometimes we go weeks without seeing them.

And, then we get together and just have a grand old time.

They had cooked prime rib.

YUM! and more YUM for the rest of the meal.

What a great way to end a year.....

Thank you, dear friends, for your great friendship over the many years.

OH, that Dorothy, always good for some fun!  She's a good cook..

Garn & Allen really enjoy each other's company.  

Dorothy got this Prime Rib from Albertson's at a very good deal.  I had some.
And, I'm not eating beef, but how could I refuse?

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