
Get Out of Jail Free

In Monopoly, having a


was a pretty nifty little thing to have tucked under one's side of the board.

Waiting, just waiting ....

for that delicious moment in the game when it was needed.

Get sent to jail.....whip out the card, and presto...one was back in the game, hopping around that wretched MONOPOLY board in no time at all, without having to sit and wait his three turns.

Life is not quite that simple.

Because there are no GET OUT OF JAIL FREE cards.

As RAH reminded me lately.

Oh, I'm not talking about literal jail cards; no, no, no.

I'm talking about wanting to step in and help our children out of problems they encounter in this battle called LIFE (Real life, not the board game here, folks!).

RAH tells me I always want to solve their problems; want to give them a helping hand when things get a little tough.

He says I want to just give them a


Well, he's probably right about that.... because, for me and my disposition, it's so hard to see children struggle.

But, he's wise and insightful.  (Oh, he's willing to help them in a variety of ways. Just not totally bail them out of struggles, challenges, hard times.)

And, he's probably right.  It's just hard for me to watch our children have problems or hard times....and they have had their share of challenges and struggles...some more than others.

So, with his guidance, I'll put away the GET OUT OF JAIL FREE card,

and turn to another way to help them in their lives;


Okay, now that I can do.

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