
Techno Tribulations!

Oh, I remember the olden days....

the television had an on/off knob and a channel knob with a few numbers on the side of the tv.

It was simple....on or off; then turn the knobs to select the channel.

Those were the good old days.

These days, there are no knobs on televisions, but there are REMOTEs.

There is one for the television, one for the DVD player, and one for the Apple TV.

These are very complicated devices, requiring a PHD in "How to Use These Devices Without Losing Your Mind!"

They are complex, frustrating, challenging, and can only be figured out by a ten-year-old.  No one over the age of 55 can even remotely figure these buggers out!

How did this happen?

But, it's not only televisions that have gone crazy...oh no, EVERYTHING.

Take a simple thing like a PRINTER for example.

On our first printer, we put the paper in, pushed print and it came out.  (Of course, it took up almost an entire room, but that is beside the point here.)

Now, printers do a variety of things, require complicated set-up instructions, link remotely to computers and - once again - require a degree in advanced technology to get it to print a simple document.

Another truly glaring example of techno troubles is the cell phone.  That little invention has revolutionized the calling industry.

But, in the early days of using a phone, we picked it up when it rang and spoke into it.  That's really all a phone did.  It could only be used for talking.  Not a bad idea...

Now, once again, we have been subjected to more techno troubles with our ever-increasing complex phones.  

Just viewing the screen is intimidating:

Sometimes just figuring out to even answer the blasted thing is a challenge!

Oh, it's handy alright; like I can find out all about my neighbors while I'm sitting in church by looking at FB.  I can take a picture of my Primary class while they are misbehaving right while in Sharing time, I can get a text from the pizza parlor offering me a sweet deal if I come over within the next 20 minutes, I can get directions to that remote location while I am driving, I can play an infinite number of games, can listen to music of my choice; I can do it all.  If I can just figure out the blasted thing!

All of this leads me to what started this diatribe early this morning.

The printer wasn't working.  I needed it - badly - for my Primary lesson.  But it was too dang complicated to figure out.

Where's my 12 year old grandson when I need him?!?!?!??!?!?

(For the record, I did get it working, but it's all frustrating no matter what!)

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