
Broken Hearts: Shattered Dreams - and the Atonement

The details of the stories were always a little different,

But, the end line was the same.

Broken heart; shattered dreams.

The stories were from people we met while serving on our mission at the employment center:

I met M at the career workshop....

She had a great job as an administrator in a large company.  But she failed a drug test.  She was fired without even a moment's hesitation on the employer's part.  Instantly she lost her job, then her car, her home, and her family.   Her dreams were shattered.

N came in needing help in filling out her resume.  In the midst of the process, she dashed out to her car crying.....her daughter had been taken from her and was living with her ex-husband in Hawaii.   She had been unfaithful to a cold and unloving spouse, and then lost her marriage and child.  She had no hope of reclaiming her life.  Her dreams had been shattered.

S was also at the Employment Center.  She had married a man - even though she felt like the Gift of Holy Ghost had distinctly said NO!  She didn't know how to say no and went through with the marriage.  They were unequally yoked in terms of spirituality.  He occasionally belittled her desires to be righteous, he was often indifferent to family events and special occasions, they argued over finances, church, child-raising, etc.   It was not a happy marriage.  She felt like her entire life she had lived a lie.  But she did not feel like she should end her temple marriage.  Once again, shattered dreams.

The stories often overwhelmed me; left me emotionally drained and exhausted.

They needed more help than an employment specialist could give.

They needed the love and mercy of the Savior and His Atonement.

I hope they can eventually find HIM and the peace that comes in using the Atonement in their lives.  That is the only way to find the peace they seek from their

Broken Hearts and

Shattered Dreams.

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