
Scary Idea!

I'm terrified.

RAH wants to move to Manila, Utah.

Well, not full time.

But, he wants to sell our lovely home in St George, downsize to a smaller home.

And, then buy a home/property here in the remote town of Manila, Utah...population 900 (if we move in, it would be 902!)

The whole idea gives me a headache, hives, the tremors, upset stomach.



The Whiner and the Energizer Bunny; a Study in Contrasts

We met her last year when we were here for a couple of months.

I liked her instantly.

She loved to show me pictures of her kids, her family, etc.  I was happy to listen to her as she shared her stories with me.

This year, she was happy to greet us, and I was thrilled to see her again after a year.

This year, however, she was very open and honest.

And, she is a whiner!  I hadn't really noticed it last year....but she complains about:

her job,

her boss,

her big boss,

her health,

her financial situation,

her good friend,

her husband,

his boss,

the town,

etc., etc., etc.

And, I do feel sorry about many of her complaints; they are real, they are legitimate, they are ever present.

And, it's unfair to compare her to J, who lives a few blocks away.

J is one of those women who is a doer!  An energizer-bunny is how her husband describes her.  She has had setbacks, sad things, financial straits, but she just bustles around and gets things done....there is never time to complain for J....she's too busy serving others, going fishing, feeding family members, overseeing dinners at the community center, on and on.

Such a big difference in their lives....could some of it be their attitudes?

Both are wonderful, good women.  Both are raising families and working hard to build the Kingdom. Both have much to offer.

And, I can learn from both.

But, I want to focus on one's ATTITUDE more than the other's.  Aye, there's the challenge.


Meeting the Folks in Manila

It's been an interesting summer.

I've spent three weeks in Manila, Utah with RAH.

He has spent 7 weeks here.

He has loved every minute- fishing to his heart's content;

And getting acquainted with the good people who live here.

There's Tom, a 78 year-old true fisherman in every sense of the word.

Earl and Jeannie are a rare breed...RAH thinks they are freeloaders, but they are interesting and he's gone fishing with Earl a few times.

Melna, MerDon, Susie, Durlene, Carol, Carol, Lucille, Karen; all members of the ward Relief Society, who are hard-working, good people.

The Brownings who own the local cafe; man, they are such hard workers; she told me last week in church that she really loves Sundays - for her, it is truly a day of much-needed rest.

Bob & Janeil could not have been nicer to us and RAH will leave the trailer on their property for the winter; they also live in St George and they are just totally awesome.

Amy and Guy with children, McKayla, Matt, Jonah, Gavin, Sienna - great family with lots of challenges, but what marvelous kids they are raising, earning their own money for college and missions....just good, hard-working salt of the earth type people.

I share Allen's enthusiasm for the good people,

But, alas, not his enthusiasm for living her on a permanent basis.

So, stay tuned to see what 2016 brings.


How to Be Happy

Sister S was home bound....for many years.....

She was quite ill and spent most of her time at home, in bed, and buying stuff on line.

Her husband told me she spent THOUSANDS of DOLLARS buying items she would never be able to use.  Sometimes she didn't even open the boxes.

But she spen  and spent and spent.

You are an amazing husband, I told Brother S to let her continue to do this.

It brought her a lot of pleasure, he told me.  I didn't have the heart to ask her to stop buying.  I had the money and it made her happy, so that's why I never said anything.

Brother S is remarried now - his wife eventually did die of her illnesses.  His current wife is not a spender on things.

But, they travel extensively and love it.

Both are very happy in this lifestyle.


Whatever it takes to fill the need to be happy.

It's different for everyone, but the need is there for everyone.

Brother S finds it in travel, his first wife found it in buying things.

Ah yes, it's waiting for us...so just go out and CHOOSE HAPPINESS....


Picnic in the Mountains

It was a perfect day for a picnic in the mountains.

Sun shining, crisp mountain air, good company, and traditional picnic food for all.

Seated across the table from us were two ladies whom we had never met.

Time to get acquainted.

I've said it before and will say it again...


And, RAH and I were spell bound by their intriguing story of a very successful business gone awry when they merged with a big name company.

Gayle and Linda loved working at their company.  They felt valued.  Everyone worked together and there was, as Gayle said, a strong sense of camaraderie, not competition.  They had parties, celebrations, group get-aways.  They were part of a team.  The bosses knew them, enjoyed them.  On Halloween, the bosses dressed up in costume just like the employees.  It was great to work for them.

It was not just a big party, everyone worked hard, but everyone felt like they were needed and were willing to work hard.

Then they merged with a big name in the industry.

And, at that point, everything totally changed and went south.The new company brought in their sales people; driven and highly competitive.  New company brought in their own executive secretary.  Linda was gone.  She felt victimized.

The old company employees began to leave one by one.  Gayle retired.  Their stock options, which they had purchased at $35.00 a share, were sold at $2.00 per share....they all lost money.  It was a sad time for all.  AND, after all that, the new company declined in revenue, value, and importance.


Gayle summed it up perfectly; it's always about the bottom line, but in this case, the bottom line dropped right out from under them!

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...