
The Whiner and the Energizer Bunny; a Study in Contrasts

We met her last year when we were here for a couple of months.

I liked her instantly.

She loved to show me pictures of her kids, her family, etc.  I was happy to listen to her as she shared her stories with me.

This year, she was happy to greet us, and I was thrilled to see her again after a year.

This year, however, she was very open and honest.

And, she is a whiner!  I hadn't really noticed it last year....but she complains about:

her job,

her boss,

her big boss,

her health,

her financial situation,

her good friend,

her husband,

his boss,

the town,

etc., etc., etc.

And, I do feel sorry about many of her complaints; they are real, they are legitimate, they are ever present.

And, it's unfair to compare her to J, who lives a few blocks away.

J is one of those women who is a doer!  An energizer-bunny is how her husband describes her.  She has had setbacks, sad things, financial straits, but she just bustles around and gets things done....there is never time to complain for J....she's too busy serving others, going fishing, feeding family members, overseeing dinners at the community center, on and on.

Such a big difference in their lives....could some of it be their attitudes?

Both are wonderful, good women.  Both are raising families and working hard to build the Kingdom. Both have much to offer.

And, I can learn from both.

But, I want to focus on one's ATTITUDE more than the other's.  Aye, there's the challenge.

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