
Scary Idea!

I'm terrified.

RAH wants to move to Manila, Utah.

Well, not full time.

But, he wants to sell our lovely home in St George, downsize to a smaller home.

And, then buy a home/property here in the remote town of Manila, Utah...population 900 (if we move in, it would be 902!)

The whole idea gives me a headache, hives, the tremors, upset stomach.


1 comment:

Inklings said...

We used to live in Dutch John, which is over the mountain. I liked it better than Manila, but in Manila's defense, I know a lot of people who have loved living there. You do have to drive everywhere for everything, though, and that is the drawback. Has he looked at Dutch John, though? Because I think it is prettier there and I love the people there. I didn't want to move there, and I am not saying you should, either, but in the mean time ask your family for prayers and put your name on the temple prayer list. Good luck to you and I hope you can find something that works for both of you.
By the way, you don't know me, but I am Garn and Dorothy Huntington's niece.

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