
The Sunday Visits

His name is Tom; he's so very generous and thoughtful.

And, I had heard about the big fish hanging in his front room.

So, after church, we stopped by to say hello.

Oh, yes, the two fish were big, but I was distracted by something entirely different.

Now, I don't mean to sound critical of 78 year old Tom in any way.

But as I looked around, all I could think of was his family having to go through all his STUFF upon his demise.  I know that's not something to think about and he's healthy and in good shape, but somehow, I seem to think of that kind of thing at this point in my life.

Whenever I go to an older person's home, I am amazed at WHAT we cling to, and WHY we cling to it.

Our families do NOT want all our "STUFF!"

Tom's table was knee deep in bills, ads, circulars, papers, etc.  No one would be able to eat at the table.  There were knickknacks all around covered in layers of dust.   And, that's okay because he's comfortable with that.

Somehow, I always think of the people who have to go in and clean out out the papers, junk, memorabilia, that WE - the deceased - leave behind.

BUT, it's always a good reminder to me, don't worry about the little mote in another person's place, but get rid of the beams in your own home.

Ah, now there's the challenge.  I'm working on it and will continue to do so.

STUFF begone!

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