
Money Matters

We are staying at a KOA in a teeny little town with about 900 people (when we are here 902!)

There are two gas stations right across from each other.  STRAIGHT across from each other.

That's important to this writing.

One is a Sinclair with a great little touristy shop with kitzy jewelry, snacks, drinks, etc.

The one directly across the street has no building....it has 4 gas pumps and a tiny shelter-type building with a soda machine.

Here's the thing that's so interesting to me ----

The Sinclair station is always busy; cars, motorcycles, boaters filling up HUGE boats, pick-ups, etc.

The station across the street rarely has anyone pumping gas there.  And, I do mean, rarely.

But, here's what's truly ludicrous.

The gas at Sinclair is TWENTY CENTS MORE A GALLON than across the street!

That doesn't really seem like a lot, but when you are filling a huge boat, a big pick-up, that really ADDS UP!

Frankly, I just don't get it.

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